Do You Believe In Reincarnation?

Past Life Regression — Were you here before?

C S Bhambra
Published in
8 min readApr 3, 2021


Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash

Reincarnation is the belief that our souls extend lifetimes. It is reborn many lifetimes and repeats this cycle again and again. Some believe the only way to break the cycle is to achieve enlightenment.

Reincarnation was not something I believed in, yet recently I became interested in finding out more about it.

I took to YouTube and began exploring several videos about what people believe about reincarnation & discovered many people from different walks of life; young, old, religious & non-religious talking about their experiences through a method of past life regression.

I also researched online, social media sites, spiritual sites, scientific research and the name that kept popping up was Dr Brian Weiss who made past life regression become mainstream. There’s even a craze on TikTok with people doing his past life regression video.

Dr Weiss stumbled across past life regression while hypnotizing a client. He didn’t believe in reincarnation until this particular client revealed people she could see from his current past which he had never revealed to her.

Here is the video of him explaining it.



C S Bhambra

Wife | Mother | TEFL & MFL teacher | Business woman. Passionate about languages, writing, drama, music, psychology & positivity!