Never Respond to a Whisper of Your Name When No one Is there…

What will happen if you do?

C S Bhambra
Published in
6 min readMar 8, 2021


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Sitting alone, many years ago as a 17-year-old, the smooth, whispering & beckoning calls of my name were echoed through the stillness of the darkness…

I looked around, nothing but the familiar shadows of my bedroom stared back. My siblings were sound asleep in their rooms & my parents were downstairs, I knew it wasn’t any of them…

I got into bed, shrugging it off while thinking it was my imagination playing games, perhaps I was just too tired, time to sleep.

Looking back, I know this wasn’t my imagination, why you may ask? I know this based on my intuition; it has always led me right. Even though I wanted it to be my imagination, I knew it wasn’t…

Wise words from mi abuela

One of my grandmothers, who is very spiritual & wise, randomly told my friend & I some words of advice while we were on holiday visiting her.

Never respond to a whisper of your name when no one is there…



C S Bhambra

Wife | Mother | TEFL & MFL teacher | Business woman. Passionate about languages, writing, drama, music, psychology & positivity!