What Is a Pontianak?

Folklore tells of this terrifying ghost that rips through the internal organs of men.

Morris T
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2021


Illustration of a Pontianak with red eyes, open jaws.
Modifications by author on Image by Eleatell from Pixabay.

Origin: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore

Type: Spectre

Appearance: A beautiful woman with pale skin, long fingernails, red eyes, and dark hair. She wears a white dress smeared with blood.

Nature: Ferocious and bloodthirsty. Her prey is typically men.

Horrifying details

The Pontianak is the ghost of a pregnant woman who died during childbirth, or at the hands of men. She returns from the dead with vengeance, determined to exact revenge and retribution from men.

In order to do so, the Pontianak transforms into a beautiful woman in order to lure her prey. Once the unsuspecting man falls into her trap, she reveals her monstrous form and eviscerates him. Her long fingernails sink in deep to rip out his internal organs. She then eats them up, leaving behind a bloody scene of horror.

During the day, the Pontianak hides in banana trees. She starts her hunt when there is a full moon.

When the Pontianak is near, dogs howl, and you will smell a floral scent. If the environment…



Morris T

Melancholic by nature, hopeful by choice. Dreams of a day when people are kind to each other. Former Banker and Educator. 🙆 🙆‍♂️