“I’m so thankful…”

Erin Sandberg
3 min readNov 21, 2018


Blink Nation shares how they’re saving on diabetes medications, and the impact it’s having on their lives.

One of the reasons we at Blink work to negotiate lower drug prices is because when people can afford their medications, they can take control over their conditions. They’re empowered to live well. To feel like themselves again.

This is especially important for those living with diabetes. Monitoring and treating this common disease is a daily task for most who have been diagnosed, and we want to make sure everyone has the resources they need to do so.

Join the many members of Blink Nation who are saving money right now on Lilly insulin, diabetes medications like metformin, and testing supplies through Blink.

The savings are real — here’s what our customers are saying:

“Just learned about your company. My husband was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a week ago and our wonderful head nurse told us about you. You have saved us so much money already. You rock!” — Kelli

Kelli’s family

“I lost my job in February. I take medication for depression and diabetes. When I went to my local CVS nearly in tears because I no longer had [drug coverage], the lovely young woman behind the counter told me about you guys. I was afraid I was going to have to choose if I wanted to keep taking meds for one or the other. Everyone has a job that they do but the job that you guys do really helped me stay sane and healthy so I could keep looking for work. Thank you for everything!” — Hector

“I’ve had to begin using two types of insulin to control my type 2 diabetes… and Blink has saved me so much $$… Especially since my [drug coverage] won’t cover a dime of it. I’m so thankful to have found you all!” — Shannon

Shannon’s family

“I’m a diabetic and I was getting my metformin medication without [drug coverage] for about $65 a month. I moved to Blink and now I’m paying $19 a month for basically the same medication. It’s been great, saved me a lot of money, and I really like the service. I was worried it was a scam at first, but it was recommended by a friend and I tried it and so far, two months in, it’s working great.” — Aaron

Blink Health customers save on average $70 per prescription filled. Savings based on comparisons between Blink Health prices and retail prices without Rx coverage. Some of these customers received a coupon for their testimonials. Blink Health is not insurance. The discount prescription drug provider is Blink Health Administration, LLC, 233 Spring Street, 8th Floor East, New York, NY 10013, (844) 366–2211, info@blinkhealth.com, www.blinkhealth.com



Erin Sandberg

Writer at Blink Health, seeking to help people understand and navigate the prescription drug landscape // Master of Science in Health Communication