7 Stunning Lessons From How Borders Group Failed To Unsettle Disruption

And how companies should take the competition seriously and be willing to make changes when necessary.

Juana Catalina Rodriguez
Unleash Innovation


Photo by Kévin et Laurianne Langlais on Unsplash

Falling off a perch is not a pleasant feeling for an individual or a company. However, falling is a trait among warriors, and rising after a fall is a champion's hobby.

For this to happen, an individual or a company needs to be sitting right up to the pile of all other competitors for several years to lose track and fall so hard that the company usually ends up in a bankruptcy file.

I love bookstores, and visiting Borders at its time was like exploring an Alibaba cavern to discover some unknown treasures.

It's great to feel, touch, and examine the newest book.

When I buy a book online, I already know what I am looking for. However, when I visit a book store, the task is different. It is an exploration, something unexpected could happen.

Source: Wikipedia Commons

The Borders Group was a large book and retail music corporation with stores in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.



Juana Catalina Rodriguez
Unleash Innovation

Passionate about business, innovation, circular economy, and disruption. Top Writer in Innovation. Enjoys a warm cup of tea 🍵. https://linktr.ee/jncnova