The One Thing That Will Make or Break Everything

The Best Way To Learn Is To Unlearn (And Apply What You Know)

Jonah Chew
Search Engine Marketing


What do I mean by that?

Previously, I was so into SEO, How to build websites, How to increase page rank.. I read up on so many gurus and I felt so pressurized. I felt complied to be as good as the gurus are, what they do and even the tools they use. This, I realised, is the one thought that will hinder and stumble someone trying to achieve results.

I began to notice this is the same case for whatever we are trying to achieve.

Often, we are trapped in the thinking that “I want to be as good as my guitar hero” when we first started learning something. So obviously we are nowhere “as good as our (whatever) heroes”.

But many times we fail to realise that and when reality steps in, we begin to think we can’t do it, we will fail, we think we just cannot reach that level.

Over the years after experiences of finding a job, forming a band, setting up a website, I learned that there is only one thing that is crucial, vital, and might I add, deadly (if not present).

It can make or break someone, it can make you perfect in your craft, it can change the world. It will make you rich, it will make you famous.

It can make someone go crazy over you or it can drive people crazy.

It is neither legal nor illegal.

It can also create and destroy everything you know and love. It is scary. It is devastating. It is power, yet simple.

But it is not easy. It is not present in the most of us.

Yet, it is a simple choice we make, or think.

This crazy little thing: Relentless.

The will to persevere and not relent is very powerful.

It is the power that drives Colonel Sanders and Albert Einstein. It is the demon that drives Steve Jobs.

So many successful people are successful because they are relentless. They see problems as opportunities and they never give up. They bounce back up when beaten down, just to find themselves down again.

Again and again and again they were defeated. But they rose back up and conquer the problem.

Relentless can destroy the world too. Some people are driven by revenge and rage that their whole life is dedicated to it. Some people can be relentless to their dream, they created more harm than good.

So if you fail today, if that project, dream or lifetime goal is not accomplished, will you give up?

Do you quit if there are problems in the journey of your dream?

We will leave this world one day, no matter how rich, poor, smart, unsmart, lucky, bold, good-looking or not.

What will you leave behind?

How will you change the world?

The One Thing That Will Change Everything — Be Relentless!

Check out ViralProverbs for content on going Viral!

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