Words Words Words

Aura Wilming
Unsolicited Bloggings
2 min readSep 14, 2016

I absolutely, completely suck at estimating how many words a story is going to take me. Seriously, I am always way off. As in at least 5 pages worth of writing off. Probably more.

In my short stories, I mostly stick to writing one scene. One ‘short’ scene. And I keep being amazed how many words this one scene takes me. In my mind, it doesn’t seem that long. But when I read it over, I never really get the feeling I am long winded either. Which poses a problem. I’d like to cut it down, but cut what? Every word looks needed. Important to the story, or the feels of things.

Getting a little long isn’t a problem if the story is one scene. But if a story should be told in a couple of scenes, or -god forbid- happens over a couple of days, my writing becomes this long block of text no one on the internet will bother reading. I try to aim for under 6 minutes. That seems a fair amount of time to expect people to pay attention.

I am missing that mark by miles.

Living in my draft right now is something, by Medium’s estimation, already ten minutes worth of reading time. And I am about a third of the way through the story. Help. This shaping up to be an half hour monstrosity, feels like a really good story. — please keep in mind, this third of the way through and the half hour when finished, is my estimation. Which I already admitted, sucks. I won’t be surprised if the finished product totals 45 minutes to an hour.

“Can I have an hour of your time?”
“Fair enough.”

And it’s hard to complain about it.

“This is turning out to be a novel…”
“You should totally write a novel”

Wut…I’m complaining here, don’t encourage me. I wasn’t setting out to write a novel. I can’t write a novel. I have a day-job, if I don’t get this story out, my mind won’t let me concentrate on my day job.

I see you opening your mouth, let me stop you right there. I am not quitting my day job to write. Yes, I would love to. It’s not happening. In the best case scenario, it still won’t be happening for the next 3 years. But I’ll start buying lotto tickets, just in case.

It’s the build up that gets me, every time.

Cut the build up? *Shock. Horror.* What do you mean, ‘cut the build up’? Would you have sex and skip the foreplay? Would you tell the punchline and skip the joke? Then I might as well not bother at all.

No, I’d rather finish my way too long short story and not have anyone read it.



Aura Wilming
Unsolicited Bloggings

Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.