Making Unspent Subscription-Only

Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2019

Unspent is now subscription-only. And since Unspent should be accessible to as many crypto investors as possible, the subscription price is €10 per year (or equivalent), which is a fair and affordable price for any crypto investor, even with a portfolio worth no more than €1,000. The value Unspent provides far exceeds this amount, so anyone serious enough about crypto to invest €1,000 of their own money in it should also see the appeal in spending 1% of that on a service that’ll help them optimize their portfolio.

Unspent’s goal is to make it easier for crypto investors to understand their portfolio, monitor it, and optimize it. The right tools and information can make a world of difference, and I set out to build Unspent about a year ago with the belief that it could make investing in this new industry somewhat easier for everyone, long-time enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Since then, hundreds of investors have started using Unspent to:

  • Keep track of their portfolio’s value
  • Be alerted of meaningful price changes to never miss an opportunity
  • Analyze past trades and profits/losses
  • Manage risk: custody, diversification…
  • Read handpicked high quality industry analysis
  • And much more…

And this couldn’t make me happier. Seeing Unspent used by more and more people, reading kind words of appreciation, it makes all the work worth it.

As a SaaS business, Unspent started out with a “freemium” business model, because it’s sort of a standard in Software-as-a-Service, even more so for services that provide different levels of value to different customers: most customers would enjoy a very basic set of features, while some would benefit from using much more advanced features. And the reasoning goes that these advanced users, with their need for powerful tools, would foot the bill for the remaining users, who get the diluted version for free.

I believe this model makes a lot of sense for services that cater to very different types of customers, some with very simple needs, and some with much more advanced ones. It also makes sense when you want to make a valuable service available to as many people as possible, strategically counting on a few to subsidize the many.

However, Unspent is another type of service. Unspent is a service whose features ought to be used by everyone, helping with every facet of crypto portfolio management. Some features are more advanced than others, yet everyone should come to use them at some point, after they’ve become familiar with the rest.

And Unspent provides information and knowledge that ultimately helps crypto investors save money, or make more of it. Such a service inherently has value, and there’s nothing simpler than providing a valuable service, and being paid for it.

These are the reasons why Unspent has moved away from the freemium model, and is now subscription-only. Because it provides a service that’s valuable, and that everyone should have access to all of its features.

We have some cool new features in the works, and we’re excited to make them available to everyone soon! In the meantime, feel free to reply here or send us a message if there’s anything we can make easier for you on Unspent!

If you own crypto and haven’t tried Unspent yet, give it a try! Unspent is free for the first 30 days, no strings attached! ✌ ️

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