Make Day — What have you created lately?


Annie Spratt
Unsplash Blog
2 min readOct 7, 2016


Photo Credit: Daniel McCullough

At Unsplash we’re big believers in the idea that everyone is creative. Given a chance, anyone can create something beautiful and meaningful.

On the first Friday of every month, we encourage everyone to share what they’ve been making and we call this Make Day. Writing, design, remixing, photography, hacking, illustrating, cooking, building — whether you’ve created a new app or a needlepoint selfie.

Tag your creations #makeday on Twitter or Instagram or leave a comment below. We’ll be sharing a selection of your makes here, updated live throughout the day. 💪

Here’s how Make Day is shaping up from Crew & Unsplash in Trello

Ready, steady, Make Day!

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Annie Spratt
Unsplash Blog

🇬🇧 Part of the @Unsplash Community + Editorial Team. Gifting 10 photos daily to the internet’s open library of visuals on Unsplash.