Topics 2.0

Introducing new Topics, new curators, & a new design

Luke Chesser
Unsplash Blog
2 min readApr 15, 2020


We launched Topics in late 2018 to bring visibility to more images and encourage a wider range of subjects and styles on Unsplash.

Since then we’ve seen an incredible range of imagery submitted helping to better represent complex concepts, everyday life, and moments in history.

Starting today we’re expanding Topics by introducing four new features to unleash Unsplash’s massive distribution ability on even more imagery.

🆕 New Topics: History, Athletics, Interiors, and Technology

In addition to the 16 topics from the original launch, we’re adding new topics highlighting images for History, Athletics, Interiors, and Technology. Similar to the homepage Editorial feed, our curation team will be hand-selecting photos daily to feature in each topic.

👨‍👩‍👦 Guest curators

We’ll be partnering with some of our favourite online creators and communities to have them help curate specific topics, bringing a fresh view to each topic to keep the selections interesting and varied. We’ll be introducing our first guest curator in the coming weeks so keep an eye out.

⭐️ Limited Topics

In addition to the 20 always open for submission topics, we’ll be adding new topics that are only open for submissions for a limited period of time. This will allow us to shine a light on events and subjects that don’t necessarily make sense to run year round.

When we launch a new limited topic, you’ll see it featured on the homepage and announced by email. Typically, these might run for a month and they’ll be clearly marked on the site with their end date.

➡️ Submit directly to a Topic

We’re opening topics up to submissions from anyone in the community. In the past, your photo had to be found by our curators to be featured. Starting today, you can now choose to submit to a specific topic, increasing the chance that a curator chooses to feature your photo.

Photos uploaded to a topic will also appear on your profile and will have a higher chance of being featured on the homepage Editorial feed.

🚧 Coming soon

Over the next few weeks and months we’ll be rolling out new topic related abilities, including notifications to contributors when their image is featured in a topic, allowing contributors to submit past images to topics, multiple topic submission, and more.

For more answers to any of your Topics related questions, see our Help Center’s quick overview on Topics or hit me up on Twitter 🐦.



Luke Chesser
Unsplash Blog

Cofounder of @unsplash, building the internet’s visual library 🇨🇦