Unsplash Turns 5

Mikael Cho
Unsplash Blog
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2018

5 years ago, Unsplash started as a Tumblr blog with 10 photos. Now, over 10 Unsplash photos are downloaded every second, double any other image platform. Here’s highlights from Year 5 at Unsplash as we work to build the world’s largest open library of visuals.

Unsplash photography supported 70 billion image requests.

More photo requests came in the last 6 months than our previous four-and-half-year history combined.

55,625 people contributed 328,019 photos.

The Unsplash community grew faster than ever. More people came together to contribute more photos than the entire history of Unsplash.

Photography from everywhere.

Unsplash photography covered 101 countries and every continent from Greenland to Antarctica.

Unsplash members hosted events and photowalks across the United States, Canada, Italy, Great Britain, Singapore, and Argentina.

Powerful Moments Shared Copyright-Free

February 22, 2018: The SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch feat. SpaceX, Bill Jelen

October 16 2017: The Unsplash Awards were a month-long celebration to recognize the impact Unsplash contributors have made through their generosity and artistry.

January 1, 2018: Unsplash Best of 2017. 100 photos viewed more than 500 million times. 100 photos downloaded more than 3.9 million times. 100 community members selected for their exceptional contributions to moving the open photography movement forward.

You Enabled Millions of Musicians, Students, Nonprofits, Teachers, Designers, Writers, Engineers to Create

Unsplash photography supported over 239 million photo downloads and more photo downloads per month than the first 2 years of Unsplash combined.

The Impact of Photography Was Pushed Further Than Ever Before.

Half a million people will view a featured Unsplash photo within the first 6 months. A featured photo on Unsplash is now seen by more people than a photo posted anywhere else.

Unsplash API Partners Doubled The Reach of Unsplash Photography.

The launch of the free Unsplash API lead to 500 partnerships and 2.9 billion photos seen every month.

Half the distribution power of Unsplash now comes from Unsplash partners.

Thank you.

You’ve turned Unsplash into a special place. Where people are positive and helping each other to create. The web was meant to connect and inspire us in unprecedented ways. We’re fortunate to see this connection and inspiration unfold every minute of every day as we build Unsplash.

“The most important thing that drives me to keep on creating is the feeling of belonging somewhere…Thank you for an amazing year.” — Joshua Fuller, Unsplash Contributor

Thank you for making all of this happen. When we started Unsplash, we couldn’t have imagined we’d get to this point. We’re honored to get to build for you every day.

Thank you for everything.

✌️❤️ Mikael + Unsplash Team

If you’re interested in joining us, we’re looking for two teammates.

