WeWork + Unsplash

Stephanie Liverani
Unsplash Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2017
Damian Zaleski | Unsplash

Here at Unsplash, we believe that our partner’s missions are as important as ours.

Upon our initial conversations with WeWork, it was clear that our visions aligned. Not only because of our appreciation of the creative culture — but also in support of the ever-changing entrepreneurial generation that has redefined the way (and the where) we work.

The success story of WeWork — from two guys starting out in a loft in Brooklyn — to what is now an epic global presence, kindled a bit of recognition in our own story. WeWork was born out of the desire to fill a need in an industry which is often lacking in resources — we can’t help but feel the same.

Our community is fueled by entrepreneurs — by side-hustlers who don’t buy into a 9 to 5 career model — who stay up late to practice their passions and risk the security of a more comfortable lifestyle. The Unsplash community is overflowing with individuals who have chosen to pursue their dreams of being freelancers, app developers, lettering artists, designers, writers, travelers, adventurers and remote employees. We know better than anyone that the hustle can get isolating. We also know that in order to be successful you need an inspiring space to experiment, sketch, iterate, think, write, meet and sometimes just hang out. And along with that space, is a need for a supportive community to bounce ideas off of, to grab coffee with and to even partner alongside.

Alejandro Excamilla | Unsplash

It is for that very reason that we have chosen to partner with WeWork. There are many forms our collaboration could have taken but in everything we do, we always ask ourselves — how can we best serve the community that has made Unsplash what it is today? With that in mind, we have collaborated to offer our Unsplash members a way to experience WeWork in action by scheduling a Free Trial day at we.co/unsplash. Along with this, WeWork will also be opening up their gathering spaces to Unsplash events.

Because of WeWork’s global presence in cities like London, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Berlin, and New York, we know that we will be able to reach and support our growing and diverse community across the world. We can’t wait to see the amazing connections our community makes working alongside the amazing hustlers already filling WeWork spaces.

NASA | Unsplash

Are you part of the Unsplash community and interested in learning more about a WeWork membership? Schedule a WeWork Free Trial day at we.co/unsplash.

Are you a brand with a mission that aligns with Unsplash? Let’s chat.



Stephanie Liverani
Unsplash Blog

Cofounder/head of community/head of partnerships at Unsplash.