What Joining a Creative Community can do for You

Tanya Santos
Unsplash Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2018
Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash

Hello! I’m the new Head of Community at Unsplash. I’m so excited to be a part of this creative movement, pushing the boundaries of photography forward.

The photographers, collectors, and appreciators behind Unsplash all work together to make it so unique. On the platform, it’s not long before you interact with someone that shows you kindness and support.

Unsplash’s community member Andreas Weiland couldn’t have said it better:

“Feels like the warm and generous internet”- Andreas Weiland

As a community manager, I’ve worked with many communities and my role has been to foster and facilitate growth, as well as manage the day-to-day activities that were inspired and spurred on by those very communities.

My experiences have taught me that communities are innovative and often move beyond the company’s expectations. They come together, collaborate and organically evolve on the platform.

It’s become obvious/clear to me that being part of a creative community can be a positive part of your life.

Here are 4 ways that Unsplash communities could be valuable and inspiring (to you!):

Give/Get Useful Tips

Connect with people from across the world and learn from their ideas and experience. They can help you to open up your knowledge base.

Expand your network

Being a part of global community can help you to meet interesting people, which can lead to potential work and or even long time friends!

Make change

Join together with people who have the same interests and passions as you do, and take action.

Crowd Source Feedback

If your job involves making lots of creative decisions every day, it can be a bit daunting. If you are able to utilize a community as a resource to crowd-source feedback, it can help you get out of your creative block and inspire you to start creating.

How to get involved

There are many ways to engage with the Unsplash community (our team is cooking up some new community focused plans…stay tuned!)

( If you haven’t already..)

> Connect with our communities across the world on the Unsplash Slack channel — join at http://chat.unsplash.com

> Start a City channel by sending me a private message @tanya_admin on the Unsplash Slack

> Host or Attend a Photo Walk near you

> Not alot of time for meetups or chat? Upload a photo for the first time, give a shout out to a photographer that you admire on social!

Thank you to all the people of the Unsplash community !

See you again soon :)


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

