Unstoppable: H2 2023 Recap

Rising Above Challenges and Preparing for Adoption

Alistor Zimon
8 min readDec 30, 2023


Happy New Year, Unstoppable community! And what a journey the second half of 2023 has been! We’ve been launching our public Spot trading functionality and rolling out our Early Access Program, including Margin Trading and our innovative mobile app. This has set us on an exciting new course, but not without stormy waters in between!

Rising Above Challenges

In the second half of 2023, our journey at Unstoppable DeFi wasn’t going smoothly at all times; it also threw some real curveballs our way. We hit a few bumps, especially with unexpected delays in auditing our Margin DEX infrastructure and the need to make substantial revisions to our codebase. These moments really put our team’s flexibility and determination to the test.

Our top priority has always been the safety and security of our community and their investments. That’s why we made the hard call to delay the launch of our Margin DEX. We wanted to double down on security checks, conduct an additional audit and ensure everything was rock-solid — from a more stable codebase to improving our frontend, keeper and liquidation engine infrastructure.

Adapting to these challenges, we shifted gears and embraced a more agile way of working. This meant faster iterations, an Early Access program and integrating the feedback from our users and testers right from the start. It’s been a learning experience, teaching us the value of being agile and proactive, especially in the fast-paced world of Decentralized Finance. It’s these kinds of experiences that keep us on our toes and ensure we’re always putting our best effort forward for our community.

Released Products & Milestones

Following on our journey through the second half of 2023, let’s delve into the heart of our product innovations:

Spot DEX Infrastructure: Imagine a trading platform that’s efficient and feels tailor-made for you. That’s what we’ve achieved with our public Spot DEX. It’s woven seamlessly into the Uniswap liquidity on Arbitrum, offering you a trading experience that’s both responsive and wallet-friendly. What’s more? It comes packed with advanced trading features like Limit and DCA orders, ensuring you have all the tools you need for effective trading. This integration guarantees deep liquidity and speedy transactions while staying true to the essence of decentralized finance.

Margin DEX Infrastructure: Picture a trading environment where leverage meets the best of decentralized and traditional trading worlds. Our Early Access Margin Trading DEX does just that. It’s a ground-breaking blend of the flexible, decentralized environment and the steadfastness of conventional trading systems, fully backed and secure. We listened closely to your feedback, focusing on what matters most: intuitive navigation and clear, easy-to-use trading options.

The result is a trading experience that’s not just powerful but also user-friendly. Thanks to the underlying infrastructure, the Unstoppable Margin DEX will be one of the most capital-efficient ways to trade with leverage for both crypto natives and newcomers alike. And did we mention it allows for single-sided LPing without impermanent loss?

Mobile App & Smart Wallet: Bringing DeFi to your fingertips, our mobile app is a significant stride towards making decentralized finance accessible to everyone. It’s not just an app; it’s a gateway to manage your digital assets with ease and security. With features like biometric authentication, you’re not just using an app; you’re navigating a secure, user-centric platform. Integrating both our Spot and Margin DEX layers, this app is the culmination of our efforts and your invaluable input.

The feedback from our Early Access community has been crucial. From ironing out minor bugs to fine-tuning the user interface, your insights have shaped an app that’s not just functional, but a pleasure to use. And best of all: it doesn’t take any shortcuts or compromises on crypto's core elements like self-custody, decentralization & security.

These developments represent our commitment to innovation and user-centricity. Each step forward is taken with the goal of making decentralized finance more approachable, efficient, and secure for our community.

Legal & Staking Developments

  • Crypto-Exchange License: It’s not just about building great products; it’s about ensuring they stand on solid legal ground. That’s why we’re making great strides in securing a crypto-exchange license within the European Economic Area. This isn’t just a formality; it’s a significant step in broadening our horizons and ensuring we’re playing by the rules, all while expanding our services for new products like the Unstoppable Bridge.
  • Staking System Development: We’ve been busy crafting a unique staking system that uses weighted modifiers, all built on the robust ByteMason’s Reliquary contract system. This isn’t just another run-of-the-mill staking program; it’s our pledge to bring you an innovative and fair system to enhance your rewards sustainably.

Unstoppable Early Access

The feedback we’ve received through our Early Access Program has been nothing short of transformative. It’s a direct line to what you, our users, need and want. A prime example of this is the evolution of our mobile app’s user interface. You told us you needed more intuitive chart settings and smoother navigation, and we listened. The result? We’re working on a complete overhaul that’s making trading simpler and more enjoyable, especially if you’re dipping your toes into the world of DeFi.

But that’s not all. When you voiced your thoughts about the Spot DEX layer, particularly regarding the implementation of Limit and DCA orders, we also saw an opportunity to level up our codebase. Your insights led to significant enhancements in how these features operate, making your trading experience more efficient and user-friendly.

This journey of continuous improvement is a testament to our commitment to not just building for our community, but building with you. Our goal is to deliver products that don’t just meet your expectations but exceed them.

The Early Access is the heart of our mission: to bring decentralized finance closer to you, making it more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable. Every update and every new feature is a step closer to this goal, powered by your invaluable input and our dedication.

Financial Strategy & Runway

In the latter half of 2023, we’ve navigated our finances with the same precision and care we apply to our product development. Managing our resources wisely, we’ve ensured that every Ether spent is a step towards building a stronger, more sustainable future for Unstoppable DeFi.

As of now (Dec 20th 2023), our treasury stands robust with a balance of 1,454 ETH, after accounting for a total spend of 214 ETH in the past six months, or an average of 35 ETH per month.

Here’s a snapshot of where we’ve directed these funds:

  • New Branding and Design (3.5 ETH): We’re not just updating our look; we’re evolving it to resonate with our presence in the market and in preparation for the next step: user adoption.
  • Marketing and PR (27.5 ETH): Creating the foundation for our voice to get louder and reach further, thanks to strategic collaborations with marketing partners and PR efforts.
  • Legal Compliance (15 ETH): It’s about laying a strong foundation. Our investment in legal advisory is ensuring we navigate the regulatory landscape smoothly, setting the stage for our FIAT bridge and global expansion.
  • Operational and Technological Expenses (6 ETH): Keeping our platform robust and secure is non-negotiable, and we’re ensuring just that through these essential operational costs.
  • Team Salaries (162 ETH): Our team, the bedrock of our innovation and user-centric approach, is rightfully valued. For our six full-time and four part-time members, this translates to an average compensation of 3.37 ETH per month.

Faced with a challenging market earlier this year, we made a strategic call to tighten our belts, reducing our burn rate and maximizing our financial runway. This wasn’t just about survival; it was about thriving in the ‘building phase’ of our project during H2 2023.

Now, as we’re nearing the end of this phase, the horizon looks promising. With two major revenue-generating products on the verge of launch, we’re proud to say that our warchest still holds ~78% of the funds we initially raised (excluding the ETH/UND liquidity and initial token sale kickbacks). This positions us strongly to not only fulfill the vision we laid out in our whitepaper but also to focus on expanding our business development efforts in 2024 and beyond.

2024 Outlook

2024 at Unstoppable is all about one thing: welcoming more people into our world. We’ve kickstarted the internally labelled ‘Road to the First 1000 Active Users’ campaign, which is all about getting our Mobile App and the integrated DEX platforms right into the hands of those who’ll love them the most. It’s not just about reaching out; it’s about really connecting with our audience, improving our products with their feedback, and growing a community of loyal and happy users.

One major move for 2024 is the rescheduled launch of UND and eUND staking in the first quarter of 2024, ensuring it blends in perfectly with our expanding ecosystem. And there’s more on the horizon. Our upcoming Unstoppable Bridge is a big leap towards linking traditional finance with the DeFi world. The introduction of Real-World Assets (RWAs) is a game-changer, bridging two worlds that often seem worlds apart.

We’re also introducing the Unstoppable Debit Card. Imagine using DeFi solutions in your everyday transactions, as easily as swiping a card. Plus, we’re working on a mobile app that’s so simple, it welcomes everyone into the crypto space, no matter their experience level.

All these plans are about taking our platform to the next level and shaping the future of DeFi. We’re committed to being innovative, secure, and always centered around what’s best for our users. Our journey is not just about evolving our platform; it’s about expanding the whole DeFi universe.

Become a Part of Unstoppable

Now, as 2023 comes to a close, we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone of you. Your support, feedback, and active participation have been the cornerstone of our journey through this transformative year.

You’re more than a user; you’re a co-creator, shaping the Unstoppable vision alongside us. So dive into our community discussions, offer your feedback, and actively engage in shaping our ever-evolving ecosystem. Your voice and participation are what make our environment not only innovative and secure but also inclusive and centered around user needs.

As we step into 2024, we remain committed to our mission of making decentralized finance more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone. With our eyes set on the exciting milestones ahead, we eagerly anticipate continuing this journey alongside each one of you.

Happy New Year, Unstoppable community! Let’s forge ahead into 2024 with optimism, unity, and the shared vision of building a truly unstoppable DeFi environment. Thank you for being an integral part of our story, and here’s to achieving new heights together in the coming year!

Sign up for our Early Access: https://forms.unstoppable.ooo/waitlist

Join us on this thrilling adventure, and together, let’s make 2024 an impactful year for decentralized finance!

