Gateways to the Decentralized Web: How to update Google Chrome and Firefox for Web3

Mike @ Unstoppable
Unstoppable Domains
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Browsers have always been the gatekeepers to the decentralized web. Today we’re thrilled to announce that those gates are coming down..

As of today, you can update your DNS resolver for .crypto domains.

The significance of this cannot be understated: billions of internet users are now a few clicks away from seamless access to the decentralized web. This is a massive milestone. One which brings us one step closer to building a decentralized web that’s controlled by its users.

It’s easy make the switch. Follow the steps below to update Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to connect to blockchain domains.

Google Chrome

1. Select browser settings/preferences from the menu in the top right of Chrome.

2. In the Settings menu, select Privacy and Security > Security > Advanced section and set Custom URL as

Once those settings are confirmed, you are ready to browse the decentralized web! Be sure to reference the final notes below before you begin.

How to update Chrome settings for blockchain websites

Mozilla Firefox

1. Select browser settings/preferences from the menu in the top right of Firefox.

2. In the Settings menu proceed to Options > General Tab > Network Settings > Settings and set Custom URL as and select OK.

Once those settings are confirmed, you are ready to browse the decentralized web! Before you do, please reference the final notes below.

How to update Firefox settings for blockchain websites

How to Start Browsing

Once you have configured your browser using one of the methods above, you will be able to access blockchain domains in two ways:

  1. http://domainname.crypto

Note: You must use http:// and not https://

2. domainname.crypto/

Note: You must use the forward slash (/) to override your browser’s search engine from searching for the domain.

The DNS servers understand blockchain domains but browsers don’t quite get it yet. Prefacing your domain with `http://` or ending it with `/` lets your browser know this is a website, not a search query.

If you have the Unstoppable extension in your browser you will need to disable it (which retains the domain name in the browser). We also have additional guides for other browsers such as Brave, Opera, and Microsoft Edge with similar instructions.

We’re incredibly excited to make this leap in building the decentralized web. There’s still more work to be done, and we’re more committed than ever to creating a fair and free web3.

If you’re ready to jump in, go to Unstoppable Domains to get a blockchain domain for the dWeb.

If you’d like to learn more about the decentralized web or hear from the top minds in the blockchain space, subscribe to the Unstoppable Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

