Barbara Berry- Courageous Author and Designer Award

Tamyara Brown
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2017


When you open a book written by Barbara Berry you are being prep for one of the best murder mystery novels written. A devoted author and amazing jewelry designer. Barbara has learned with her writing career and jewelry there is no limits. Naturally creative, she has mastered writing but also an created a jewelry line using beautiful beads and bold colors. She takes her talents to extraordinary levels of excellence without fear no matter how much of introvert. Her creativity is what makes her stand out among a crowd of writers and designers. It is pure perfection.

Barbara is courageous in writing because she steps outside the box with riveting characters, fresh plot twists, and a ending that makes you cover your mouth. She has the wow factor when it comes to writing. A fan of Cold Crazy and Cold Serial is one of my favorite books to re read.

You can find Barbara book’s on Amazon and you can purchase her jewelry on Facebook page. She has exquisite pieces for men and women. Be sure to pick up or download her novels, Clothesline Blues, Cold Crazy, and Cold Serial

I’ve been writing since I was a child. It was a way to convey my
inner-most feelings. I had very low self-esteem back then and writing
allowed me to express myself without confrontation. Although I get
along in social situations, I’m very much an introvert, so writing
enabled me to reach many people, all while being alone, in my zone.

As for my jewelry, I’m a creative woman and the creative bug stays
with me, manifesting until I find a way to release it. Writing,
furniture finishing, crocheting, and many other small crafting
projects keeps that creative bug satisfied. I began making jewelry
about eight years ago and fell in love with it. Working with colorful
beads, crystal and metals gives me a sense of peace and serenity.

2.) My first love is writing, although designing and creating jewelry
is a very close second. They both feed that creative bug of mine.

3.) There isn’t any one particular thing that motivates me. I think
it’s a combination of a few things. I love the experience of watching
others work hard and succeed and the realization that the very same
thing is happening to me, especially since I never imagined I’d be
published until it actually happened.

Butterfly Bracelet by Barbara Berry

4.) Wow! My super power is being able to string words together in a
way that stirs a readers emotions, taking them far away, even if it’s
only as long as the length of my book.

5.) Being a writer and jewelry designer has taught me that there are
no limits as to what I can come up with, whether I’m writing my next
exciting book, or creating a piece of jewelry the people enjoy

Lion Bracelet



Tamyara Brown

Tamyara is an author of eight novels, blogger, graphic and website designer. She is also the host of B.L.A.H Diaries.