Nakiea Cook-Financial Expert Award and Humanitarian.

Tamyara Brown
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2017


She helps you make Financial Sense of Your Money!

Nakiea Cook has never let an obstacle stop her from achieving her goals. In love with numbers and assisting women and teen age mothers in getting their finances in order is her passion. Personal experiences was what ignited. She became a mother at sixteen she stayed focus on the F’s of life while caring for her son, Financial health, Funds, and Faith. She knew the only path would be education, understanding the meaning of stretching and saving money. Nakiea knew with knowledge and understanding of money she would become resourceful and a blessing to those seeking financial freedom.

Nakiea has taken on the role to Inspire, Create and Educate teens and women to understand the importance of having a healthy relationship with money. To be self-sufficient and be in control of their finances. Nakiea’s dedication, hard work and tenacity shows in her proper planning, prayer, and strong faith in the Lord. With her campaign to March to 1K a savings plan goal, teen workshops on finances, and in celebration of her birthday month live Periscope with wonderful tips on managing your money. She is the financial expert who you should hire, she is thorough, strong in her faith, and willing to go above and beyond for others. She is a mother, auditor for Department of Taxation and Finance, business leader, as well as the proud owner of She is available for speaking engagements, workshops, and has a workbook. Nakiea offers accounting analysis,book keeping services, and tax preparation.

In addition, she has a wonderful project for everythingkiea

(Taken from Nakiea’s website

Everything Nakiea’s Project

a teen mom wasn’t easy, although I had a great support system I knew that I had to provide for my child. Entering high school, I knew I wanted to be an Auditor and took the necessary steps to achieve those goals. I was determine to succeed and tapped into so many resources for me to do so.

Although my primary goal is to assist parenting teens, in understanding and knowing the many free resources that are provided to them to assist them on being successful I feel every teen should have the same resources available to them.

Teenagers today should know the importance of having an education as well as financial & career success. I am happy to provide those services to teens through the following resources:

Financial & Career Success Workshops (Provided by BankIt)

I also love to come in to speak to teens in there comfort zone, whether a classroom setting, teen night in the home or out at the local community center. If you want me provide a workshop with the Financial curriculum then please contact me today!

Nakeia is all about giving back to the youth with a no judgement zone. It is why she was chosen because she is a Humanitarian and mentor to many. A leader for today’s youth and women in obtaining financial health. Thank you Nakiea for ensuring we all become finanicially fit.

Nakiea Cook

What inspired you to start your own business?

Nakiea: What inspired me to start my own business was the need I seen, I had my first child at the age of 16. I had a great support system however it wasn’t easy. I stayed focused on survival, knowing that I needed to have Food, Funds & Faith in order to make it. There were resources that were there to assist me but I seen that others in my same situation weren’t able to get them or even know about them so I began to tell people. I started to educate myself on well Money. It was most important in order for me to obtain the things needed so I went after my education. I knew it was key in order to be successful at anything. Once you acquire the knowledge to do something you gather tons of information. Once you have that information (valuable) you become resourceful and once you become resourceful people seek after your services.

2. It will Inspire you to want to do more with your finances, Create more opportunity as well as Educate you on Financial Literary (ICE). Break old habits while building wealth.

What is your Super power?

Nakiea: Prayer is my super power.

What stands out about yourself and your business?

Nakiea: What stands out about myself and my business is that they are one in the same. I seek to educate and help by being resourceful as much as I can. We all know what we should be doing with our money however sometimes we need that push or that piece of information to get us were we need to go.?

Who is your inspiration?

5.My inspiration would have to be my parents, with them having five children and me being the oldest they pushed us, motivated us and expected nothing but the best from us, they set personal standards. My dad in particular with me always having me set out goals/plans.

What is your hope for those utilizing your service?

Nakiea: My hope for everyone is for them to be dependent upon themselves, knowing that they can take care of any financial situation that may come there way. I want every woman to be financially stable, with a savings account and investments.

What upcoming events or services do you have coming up?

Nakiea: Currently I have a few things going on, a newsletters with valuable information that will be sent out I encourage people to text “SPEND” to 22828. I am also running a March to 1k at the time its limited to 20 people but my goal is to have everyone set up with the minimum $1,000 everyone should have saved. People should send an email to & I will send out the rules & invite them to the secret Facebook Group should they choose to join. Of course,next month is Financial Literary month (and my birthday) So I’ll be doing 30 days of live video on Periscope on Financial topics I am so excited.

Everythingkiea information to set up an appointment for your finanicial needs.

Nakiea Cook



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Purchase your copy of Checks and Balances

Did you get your copy? Understanding the mindset of Spending!! #workbook#2017buildingwealth



Tamyara Brown

Tamyara is an author of eight novels, blogger, graphic and website designer. She is also the host of B.L.A.H Diaries.