The Numbers Aren’t the Things You’re Supposed to Master

Jay Acunzo
Unthinkable Podcast
1 min readApr 19, 2017

The numbers aren’t the things you’re supposed to master. You’re supposed to master the things that make the numbers go up.

But making the numbers go up isn’t the end goal. The end goal is something that rallies people to do the hard work it takes to make the numbers keep growing.

But keeping those numbers growing isn’t success. Success is the constant improvement upon the value you deliver to your audience.

The numbers aren’t the craft to master, the goal to set forth, or the success to achieve. The numbers are merely signals — ways to describe and discuss what we’re supposed to be great at doing.

Don’t obsess over the signals. Obsess over the things that produce the signals.

Don’t master the numbers. Master the things you’re actually supposed to master. The numbers will take care of themselves if you do.

JAY ACUNZO is a keynote speaker and a host/executive producer of attention-retaining series for brands. A former digital media strategist at Google, head of content at HubSpot, and VP of brand at NextView (tech startup VC), Jay helps marketers create exceptional content by finding and following what makes them an exception: their intuition. He hosts the weekly show Unthinkable exploring this concept.



Jay Acunzo
Unthinkable Podcast

Podcast host (Unthinkable) and writer trying to demystify the creative process to help you create more resonant, memorable work: