Only have breakfast with someone you wake up with

Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2019

This may be a one off or become a series on knowing what works best for me — let’s see!

Credit: Calum Lewis, unsplash

I work long hours. I’ll often start before 8am, and it’s not unusual to be on the phone at midnight.

We all have times when we’re effective, and points when we’re less so. I used to agree to meetings at 8.30am. But over the years I’ve realised that it doesn’t work well for me — and it’s not just in that slot that I’m not at my best but having an early meeting makes me less effective over the course of the whole day. I now schedule meetings for 10.30am — 4pm if I can.

Tuesday 11am. A neighbour and I step into the street together. He’s in his tailored suit and tie heading to the tube; I’m in jeans and t-shirt dragging my bike out the front door. The senior experienced financier and fintech uniforms. Different times, but a shared timetable. I ask if he’s always started at this hour, and he replied “Kevin, my rule is I don’t do breakfast with anyone I haven’t woken up with”. A rule he’s kept for his 40 year career.

The price of an early morning meeting

It still leaves an unanswered question. How my dislike of morning meetings fits with the reality that I often start work before 8am. I recently got a clue.

The difference is that at this time of day, I need my thoughts to be guiding me, to turn on the computer and see where I head— emails from the night before, that high priority document to write, listening to Today, making tea, snacking on leftovers.

Credit: Jon Tyson, unsplash

If I have a meeting then my mind is taken to a place it’s not as ready to go to. And I’m often out of joint for the whole day; I now have this price in mind when offered an early morning meeting.

This understanding helps me be more productive. And at that hour I’m in control of my time, not my calendar being in control of me.

My partners, suppliers, customers and friends all benefit if I’m working well. And vice versa. So if someone says “I switch off at 3pm” then we’ll find a time that suits us both. And of course if the only option for a key meeting is 8.30am I’ll be there.

But my neighbour and I won’t be planning on breakfast together soon.



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