MTSU’s Student Profile

Hafsa Mohamed
The MTSU Experience
6 min readDec 7, 2018

How is MTSU’ s atmosphere and environment? How do people tend to display their ideas about MTSU? What are the statistics nationwide for the diversity in colleges? How do previous MTSU students discuss the combination of MTSU? This will all be discussed throughout the rest of the article as well as I imputed some ideas we could establish in MTSU through the Somali Culture. I also produced a podcast so that you guys could establish a connection with one of the students at MTSU. To see the answers to all of your questions look at the following…


Students Experience

Angelo Tammaro, Freshman and Computer Science

What factors drove you to MTSU?

He came to MTSU because of the good engineering program and because he wanted to get out of Memphis. However, Memphis is still close that he can visit his family/friends.

How has MTSU enriched the way you view people around the world?

MTSU hasn’t really enriched the way he thinks about people around the world. Memphis seems to be more diverse than MTSU/Murfreesboro. He has been around multiple cultural people but hasn’t really seen a lot in MTSU.

What are some tips/advice that you would give to incoming students about MTSU?

One tip that he gave incoming freshman’s is to be prepared to walk due to the long distance between each class. They should also learn good study habits and be prepared to study longer than they did in high school. They should also balance their social/study life. Don’t let studying/homework take over your life and just have at least a day to yourself.

In what ways have you connected in MTSU?

He has connected to MTSU through football games and connection points, but he hasn’t done them himself. He has gone to the Pre-Cal tutoring which helps him connect with his classmates more.

How would you describe the atmosphere in MTSU?

The atmosphere around MTSU seems really chill. Nobody messes with someone unless they need to, but people aren’t uptight. If you want to make new friends, it should be pretty easy.

Stefy Giles, Freshman and Biology

Why did you come to MTSU? What factors drove you to MTSU?

She came to MTSU because she didn’t want to be too far from home. It would have helped her communicate with her family and friends and would easily be able to go back home if she wanted to. Some big factors that drove her to MTSU was the diversity and a generally large school.

How has MTSU enriched the way you view people around the world?

MTSU has enriched her by meeting people from around the world through their culture and just having a connection.

What are some tips/advice that you would give to incoming students about MTSU?

Some advice she would give incoming freshman students is to not treat college like it is high school. Time management is crucial because of all the assignments that you may be given as well balancing your social/academic life. You should also use all of the resources that have been provided because at the end of the day you are paying money and spending time to come to college.

In what ways have you connected in MTSU?

She has connected to MTSU by going to the football games, connection points and getting into the CBASFG for help.

How would you describe the atmosphere in MTSU?

The atmosphere at MTSU is calm and just very positive people. People will help you out if they could tell that you need help and are very welcoming. Connection points have been a big help by meeting new people while having fun.


African Student Assosiation UW Seattle (SOMALIA)

This video shows an insight into the Somali Culture. It shows a combination between different parts of Somalia and brings it into a whole. We have a student assosiation in MTSU but I haven’t really seen any events happening within MTSU. This events would bring around a group of different ethnicities so it would become more diverse. It is a fun gathering in which we could see different cultures perform their dance. I would love to see these kind of events in MTSU and they have done some part this year. They did a Hispanic event this year to show off their traditions and culture to the public. I thought that this would be a good point to add because I would like to display some form of my identity so that anyone can see where my roots are from.


Brief Introduction: I conducted an interview with Shelby Seamons to see the experience that she recieved through her first semester in MTSU. I turned it into a podcast format, so that the audience could see an actual interview conducted and their response without shortening her information.

Podcast: Her experience at MTSU

Statistics : Diversity

The number of enrollments had increased 23% from 1995 to 2000. Overall, there was a 20% increase but slowly decreased by 5% between 2010–2015. There was an overall increase of 15% for enrollment of full-time students from 2005–2015 yet there was a decrease of 4% from 2011–2015. There was an overall increase from 2005–2015 for female enrollments. Overall there was an increase in enrollment for both males and female from 2005 to 2015 with a decrease of 4% for male and 6% for female. There were 412,000 students entered universities that are non-degree attending. They only provide career and technical programs for less than 2 years. There has been a decrease in post-secondary institution enrollment. In 2015 there was decrease in 42 states. From 2005 to 2015 there was increase in enrollment for people younger than 25 and expected to go that way throughout the upcoming years. It is expected to increase by 17% until 2026. From 1970 to 2015 there was an increase in enrollment for post-baccalaureate enrollment except there was a slight decrease between 1984–85. The number of females has exceeded from males in 1988.The number of full-time students has increased by 24%. The number of minorities that have enrolled in universities has increased from the fall of 1978 to 2015. In general, there was increase for the most part in enrollment of college students and there has been a high rise for minorities entering college and actually getting a degree.


“The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National Center for Education Statistics).” National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a Part of the U.S. Department of Education,

Experience of MTSU

“Describing MTSU’s Campus”

They chose MTSU due to the its location, academic programs and scholarship. It is the perfect size in terms of landscape and is just outside of Nashville. They provide great programs for any major of your choice. Another factor that gave them this decision is because of tuition cost (which is lower) and due to the fact that MTSU had their major choice.


Author: “Describe How Your School Looks to Someone Who’s Never Seen It. | Middle Tennessee State University | Page 1 | Unigo.” College Matching and School Reviews. Your Guide to College | Unigo,

“Reasoning for going to MTSU”

The students at MTSU often see MTSU as a diverse and cultural school. They have connection points that will help you connect with students so that you could see more about the school’s atmosphere. The professor and staff are great that makes the transition in college smooth and pleasant. They are very welcoming and will actually help you out if they see that you are lost and can’t find your class. They provide everything that will help you become successful once you get your degree. It is a massive school that is growing and has an amazing scenery. It provides many opportunities such as clubs that will help you gain more internships in your field.


Author: “Why Did You Decide to Go to This School? | Middle Tennessee State University | Page 1 | Unigo.” College Matching and School Reviews. Your Guide to College | Unigo,

