People Of Middle Tennessee State

Jeff Wagoner
The MTSU Experience
4 min readDec 1, 2018

The different experiences that students have and some advice for new ones

Skywalk connecting the Student Union building and
Student Services and Admission Center

MTSU has a diverse student body. This means that they all have different experiences on campus with different people. The students do things that some others may not, that’s just a part of campus life. In this article, you will meet a few students from MTSU and hear their answers to some questions and give advice to new students who are going to be attending next year.

MTSU is able to pull in students for many different reasons. Some come from Murfreesboro, such as Brandon, a sophomore. When I asked him what brought him here, he just said “I lived in Murfreesboro already.” Others come because their major isn’t offered anywhere else or there isn’t a better program for what they are wanting to do. Kaylee, also a sophomore at MTSU, says, “MTSU is one of the few schools that offers my major.” This is also the same for me. My major wasn’t offered anywhere in my state, but it was at Middle Tennessee. Of course, People have expectations of college and some can even be broken or change.

College can be a scary thing and a lot of people come in with certain expectations that can be true and some that aren’t. Some students come to college scared or nervous, worried about not knowing anyone. Kaylee, when asked about her expectations, she said “I was a little unsure of what to expect when I came to MTSU. I was worried about not knowing anyone and nervous about classes.” Others are worried about being away from their family, I myself was. Others were worried about the professor’s not caring about you or other students. Cassidy, a freshmen at MTSU, said when asked the same question about expectations, she said “I expected the classes to be a little more competitive and the faculty to be uncaring.” Some of these expectation were eventually blown out of the water once they got here.

James E. Walker Library

Expectations or assuming things isn’t always a good thing to do. By expecting or assuming, you could be disappointed, but it could be a good thing and you could me surprised. Cassidy was surprised when her department was full of caring people, “In the theatre department everyone is supportive and wants to see you succeed. I also know most of my professors as people and not just as professors.” Others weren’t surprised, such as Camryn, a sophomore in the music program at MTSU. She expected it to be “big and diverse” and she was right. MTSU is big and has a very diverse, as you can tell by the students I have interviewed for this article. And because of how diverse the campus is, MTSU has many events and clubs/associations you can join or go to.

There has to be plenty of stuff to keep people busy on campus when they aren’t in class or studying. MTSU has over 100 clubs and organizations, one of those being the Wesley foundation. This is a campus ministry that I happen to be a part of as well as Kaylee, Brandon, and Camryn. There is also greek life of course and many other clubs. Cassidy is try to join a group, AOP. “I’m working to be in APO, the theatre honors fraternity.” MTSU also has events throughout the year. Some being crash the commons and student organization fair. These help students meet other people that they may not meet in their classes or day to day life.

Now, for incoming freshmen, everyone had some form of advice for them. Kaylee said “Make sure to find at least one organization to get involved in and find a close-not group of friends.” Cassidy’s advice was “just talk to your professors and get involved fast.” Brandon had this for incoming freshmen, “go to class.” Camryn says to “get involved.” I couldn’t agree with them all more. Just be you when you get here and you will find others with like-minded ideas. I hope this article and these student’s point of views help you when you get here or even help you get over your fears of college. Good luck freshmen.

