What’s my purpose of running a business?

  • Is it money?
  • Delivering a product or service?
  • Building your social position?
  • Hiring your team and being your own boss?

For me, for sure there is something more than generating a company’s revenue that keeps me happy when I think about a software business for which I’m responsible. It’s the feeling of satisfaction from choosing and delivering worthy improvements to the users from all over the world.

As I’ve mentioned in my last article, at Untitled Kingdom the most important indicator which decides if we want to start working on a particular project or not is

If we believe that the project brings a real change into users lives or a digital transformation of businesses?

This approach keeps us proud and motivated to treat the project holistically, cross-functionally and with devotion, because we know that our work influences social good, and solves real-life problems of people.

And if you’re curious about examples, I’ve described some of our projects that fill our office with the sense of mission.

VergeSense: AI-based building management

VergeSense Sensor

Have you ever wondered how much money could you safe with better utilization of your working place? When Dan Ryan, the CEO of VergeSense contacted us first and described his project, we were excited by the potential of the project, which basically uses Artificial Intelligence to manage building and offices and utilize them more effectively.

The consistent problem that we observed was that building operators and owners had no data about how their buildings were actually used. In the same time, building management costs were typically number 2 cost of those companies, right after employees’ salaries, said Dan.

VergeSense is a direct answer to the problem of poorly utilized office spaces. The solution supports the redesign of spaces, which are underused or simply odd.

When Dan Ryan approached us, VergeSense has already collected piles of data thanks to AI. The main struggle was how to make use of these data, and present them clearly to the users.

At this point, we had no hesitations. Our Product Development team designed perfect UX of the reporting platform, came up with the idea of “VergeSense Score”, that is -10 number on a scale, which discerns all nuances of space utilization) and additional suggestions on actions to take up in order to improve the level of workspace utilization.

Optimising the workplace with VergeSense by one of their clients embraced 50% more staff vs. the old design. It gave the company the saving of 400K dollars per year, and the tests involved only a single floor.

Elvie Trainer: No1 Pelvic Floor trainer worldwide

Elvie Trainer

Elvie is one of our favs. Imagine you could develop a solution which helps women train their Kegels after giving birth. Sounds tempting? Now, imagine that the same device helps women improve their sexual satisfaction and prevent bladder dysfunctions.

In this place, I believe you know why we love Elvie Trainer so much, and why we cherish this partnership so truly. It’s one of the most interesting, impactful and valuable projects that we’ve developed so far, recommended by over 1000 health professionals worldwide, featured at FastCompany, VentureBeat or TechCrunch.

Yet again, the secret of the project lied in addressing the core problems of the real people.

Tania Boler, CEO of Elvie

“After I had my first baby, I was looking to regain my confidence and strength and was told by my pilates instructor to do pelvic floor exercises. (…) After researching the area, I realised that there hadn’t been much technological innovation in pelvic floor health at all. I wanted to change that.” — said Tania Boler in the interview.

Prior to launch, Elvie had to improve the connectivity of the IoT device and overall data security. Plus, the iOS and Android apps were to be built from scratch.

We simply felt that the project which helps half of world’s population care for their health condition can’t be ignored. Our team rose to the challenge and supported the development of Elvie with 100% engagement.

It’s also exceptional that one Elvie project led us to another — very successful and award-winning Elvie Pump.

PEC: Digital Transformation bringing savings to corporate business

PEC app

Untitled Kingdom was a software partner of PEC Gliwice Heating Plant. The company wanted to reduce its carbon footprint & optimize the workflow of heat meters installers.

We felt intrigued. The project was a challenge, as we’ve never cooperated with corporate clients before. In the same time, we felt the potential of the project was huge: digital transformation of a business, that brings savings, employees’ satisfaction and positive ecological impact.

After analyzing the situation, we decided to develop an iPad-based solution that would meet the work-specific needs of PEC employees, improve their and daily communication and comfort of work. To reach it, our team was constantly keeping in touch with PEC heat meter installers and directing the development process according to their feedback.

Also in the case of PEC, the project brought impactful results: the app sped-up the internal communication within the team and enabled the staff to report breakdowns and solve problems online without any delay. Today, the solution saves the company the equivalent of 1 full-time employee work in the team of 16 installers and enables to totally give up on paper documentation.

Our mission is to create world-changing products. What’s yours?

The feeling of bringing impactful ideas to life is the basic motor driving us forward every day. When we feel our work has a meaning, when we’re sure we contribute to social good and the better future, that’s when we’re motivated to assist our partners in their impressive startup journey. And we’re always ready for more and open for new challenges.

If your startup’s mission is to bring a tangible change to people it’s addressing, if it improves people’s life comfort, health condition or safety standards, or brings improvements in any other field, feel free to contact us anytime. We’re always happy to solve yet another problem and see real-life results of our work.

