Why we created the Untitled Lab. Testing new technologies and prototyping from ideas to MVP

Several months ago came up the idea of creating the Untitled Lab, a space at Untitled Kingdom where our current and future Partners can test new technologies and experiment with new ideas for hardware/software products or services.

Why did we found Untitled Lab?

The main goal to founding the Untitled Lab is to test technologies that are just around the corner, and to create proof of concepts or prototype in safe conditions.

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

How do we approach new technological solutions?

Working with our Partners, we improve people’s lives and solve their problems. We are focused on the IoT and digital health industries daily, and we advise companies on the verge of business and technology.

The most important thing is to treat technology only as a tool. At the very beginning, there is a challenge, and then the solution is invented. However, we know that sometimes it is technology that drives ideas, and ideas generate the need to explore new technologies, so we don’t want to close in on solutions that we already know well.

According to the approach of “Experiment. Fail. Learn. Repeat.”, we are focused to test new possibilities and tools, which not yet today, but soon can solve people’s health challenges. We don’t want to test on the fly, on real projects, but to learn under controlled conditions and gain experience from it.

From idea to MVP

The Untitled Lab was created to test new ideas and solutions for our Partners, both hardware and software.

In the beginning, we develop a proof of concept that will verify whether the thesis is correct, if there are possibilities to implement the project, and if a given technology can be implemented with available components. We can move on to the prototyping phase if the first tests are successful, and we see a product-market fit.

Thanks to testing in very safe conditions, we can test every, even the craziest idea, where sky is the limit.

Initial Untitled Lab projects

Because digital health and IoTs are at the center of Untitled Kingdom’s interest, the mission of the Untilted Lab is to help with innovative solutions in order to relieve the burden on the health service and make a real difference to people’s lives.

We have now started testing the AR solution in digital health. Interestingly, although this technology is slowly developing and has not become widespread, it has incredible potential to be used in healthcare. Already with the help of VR and AR remote operations take place, doctors can simulate heart surgery, which significantly affects their education process.

In another project, we are testing AR/VR solutions for offices, which will help make better use of their space. It will be possible to bring people working remotely to one conference room together with their avatars and give new possibilities of interaction or entertainment.

If you want to learn more how can we test your idea and cooperate, contact the Untitled Lab team.

Who’s responsible for Untitled Lab?

The team responsible for Untitled Lab is made up of experienced developers who, in addition to software development, have also been involved in product development and business areas for the past few years.

Leszek Kaczor

Originator and main initiator of Untitled Lab. Software engineer with 8 years of commercial experience, trying to solve everyday problems with technology. Introvert with an interdisciplinary approach, geek, 3d printing enthusiast, board game lover.

A few interesting facts about Leszek:

  • worked with microcontrollers before it was cool,
  • low-level API is not a problem,
  • HomeKit enthusiast,
  • developed multiple applications supporting IoT devices [BLE],
  • experienced with most mobile, web and backend platforms,
  • loves R&D and problem-solving.

Marcin Klimek

Marcin is supporting technology-oriented teams in building both hardware and software products. During fifteen years of a professional career in engineering and leadership roles, he was working with clients like IKEA, Auditable, Skanska, Estimote, or Elvie to name just a few. While having a wide range of expertise he is mainly focused on Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, and location-based solutions. Acting as Head of Untitled Lab is driving innovation to Untitled Kingdom partners helping them leverage recent tech advancement into products.

Main area of expertise:

  • mobile platforms (iOS) with a special focus on Augmented Reality (ARKit, Unity), location service (GPS, Indoor Navigation),
  • connectivity (Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi / REST, WebSocket APIs),
  • web development (PostgreSQL, Node.js),
  • hardware prototyping platforms (Arduino / Particle / Raspberry Pi).

Bart Hugo Trzciński

Head of Technology by day and software engineer by night. Recently solving more business and management problems than in code. Local dev groups activist. Automotive enthusiast. Boosted Board shredding champ.

Particularly interested in new technologies and creating software for IoT products.

Software engineer with over a decade of experience. In his work, he believes that quality of the code is a main key to success. Security evangelist. Multiple participant of the Apple WWDC in the States. Speaker at Smart IoT in London, startup events at Silicon Valley, EduLunches for startups in London, IoT Poland in Poznan, Poland.

Main area of interest:

  • integrating and advising on multiple IoT public SDKs (printers, terminals, scanners etc),
  • defining scalable architecture for 5+ years projects (Elvie Pump, Elvie Trainer, Eargo).
  • developing Software IoT Simulators (Bonjour/BLE/WiFi),
  • experienced with game physics engines,
  • running software development workshops.

If you want to learn more how can we test your idea and cooperate, contact the Untitled Lab team.

