Why is Generative AI trending and how can organisations utilise it to their full advantage?

Kamila Hankiewicz
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2023
Credit: Unslash

Generative AI, also known as Generative Artificial Intelligence, is a field of study that involves the creation of intelligent systems capable of producing original and creative content. This emerging technology has gained significant attention in recent years due to its vast potential and broad range of applications across various industries.

Generative AI algorithms are designed to learn patterns and characteristics from existing data sets, enabling them to generate new and unique outputs. Unlike traditional AI models that rely on predefined rules and explicit instructions, generative AI operates by autonomously generating content that closely resembles the original input data.

The capabilities of generative AI extend beyond mere replication, as it has the ability to create entirely new and diverse outputs that were not present in the original dataset. By leveraging deep learning techniques such as neural networks, generative AI systems can understand the underlying structure of the input data and generate novel content that aligns with the learned patterns.

The potential applications of generative AI are vast and varied. In the creative realm, generative AI can be used to produce original pieces of art, compose music, or even write literature. These AI systems can mimic the artistic style of renowned painters, compose melodies in the style of classical composers, or generate fictional stories that captivate readers.

Generative AI also holds great promise in industries such as design, fashion, and gaming. It can assist in creating virtual characters, designing unique fashion pieces, or generating realistic and immersive environments for video games. By automating and augmenting the creative process, generative AI can significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of these industries.

However, like any rapidly advancing technology, generative AI also raises concerns and ethical considerations. The potential for misuse, such as the creation of fake content or the infringement of intellectual property rights, calls for the establishment of robust guidelines and regulations to ensure responsible and ethical use of generative AI systems.

What do you need to take full advantage of generative AI

Credit: Unsplash

While Generative AI, with its ability to autonomously generate original and creative content, holds a tremendous potential, it is important to recognise that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution to every problem a company may face. In fact, when it comes to addressing challenges such as data siloes and enhancing operational efficiency, focusing on fixing these issues and finding patterns within existing data can often yield the most significant benefits.

One of the primary reasons why generative AI is not the ultimate solution lies in the underlying data infrastructure of an organisation. Many companies struggle with data siloes, where information is trapped in separate systems or departments, making it difficult to access and analyse holistically. Generative AI relies on extensive and diverse datasets to learn patterns and generate meaningful outputs. If the necessary data is fragmented or inaccessible due to siloes, the effectiveness of generative AI algorithms can be severely limited.

Instead of solely relying on generative AI, companies should prioritise fixing their data siloes and establishing a robust data infrastructure. This involves streamlining data collection, storage, and sharing processes to create a comprehensive and centralised repository or utilising AI tools like Untrite AI platform, that utilise LLM models to link, understand data context and help leveraging your existing data to improve internal operations.

By breaking down siloes and integrating data from various sources, organisations can unlock valuable insights and enable more accurate analysis, which can lead to better decision-making and improved operational efficiency.

Additionally, finding patterns within existing data can often yield substantial benefits for companies seeking to enhance operational efficiency. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning techniques, organisations can identify trends, correlations, and anomalies within their data sets. These insights can help optimise processes, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Pattern recognition and analysis can be particularly valuable in areas such as supply chain management, research and product development, demand forecasting, and customer behaviour analysis. For instance, by analysing historical sales data, companies can identify seasonal patterns or fluctuations in demand, allowing them to optimise inventory levels and streamline their supply chain operations. Similarly, analysing customer behaviour patterns can help tailor marketing strategies, personalise experiences, and improve customer satisfaction.

While generative AI can play a role in generating new insights and creative outputs, it is important to recognise that its effectiveness is heavily dependent on the quality and availability of data. Companies should prioritise data management, invest in data integration and analytics tools, and foster a data-driven culture within their organisation. By doing so, they can gain a deeper understanding of their operations, identify inefficiencies, and make informed decisions that drive operational excellence.

Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations and ethical considerations associated with generative AI. The technology can create highly realistic synthetic content, leading to concerns around authenticity, misinformation, and intellectual property rights. Deploying generative AI without proper guidelines and safeguards can have unintended consequences and reputational risks for companies.

While generative AI holds great promise, it is not a panacea for all company problems. Instead, companies should prioritise fixing data siloes and focusing on finding patterns within existing data to drive operational efficiency and decision-making. By investing in data infrastructure, analytics capabilities, and fostering a data-driven culture, organisations can unlock valuable insights and achieve sustainable improvements. While generative AI can complement these efforts, it should be approached with caution and consideration of its limitations and ethical implications.

Untrite has helped many large and complex organisations gain visibility across their data while taking full advantage of emerging technology like AI. If you’re interested to learn how AI can help you drive efficiency and not left behind, let’s have a chat.



Kamila Hankiewicz

I'm all about tech, business and everything in between | @untrite.com @oishya.com @hankka.com | @untrite.com @oishya.com, @hankka.com, ex-MD Girls In Tech