Being productive

Thomas Schindler
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2019

There is far more to being productive than just the fulfillment of some task that moves someone else's business forward. Being productive is one of the keys of happiness, given that what you are productive at is in line with you value system and goals.

While being productive does not quantify the output of your productivity, using the phrase usually implies above average productivity. I have yet to meet someone who strives to be average at producing something she is aligned with from the perspective of goals and values. (DM me if you are that person!)

While there is no tool in the world that can help you with the alignment of your goals and values with the tasks you are faced in life, but there are many tools, methods and techniques that can help you be more productive at what you do when you do it.

A lot has been written about this topic, so i will keep it short and sweet here. I will limit myself to the most important topics in five separate articles:

(1) Using time
(2) Creating outcome
(3) Making decisions
(4) Sharing knowledge
(5) Setting focus

Just sticking to these will have a massive impact on your productivity, but as soon as other people are involved, things become a little bit more tricky. For this i can offer you the tool we created to save our lives — literally by stopping to waste 50% of our waking time in meetings.

We call it untwist and it helps us to untangle all the open ends and discussions meetings usually create and turn them into a straight thread to success.
I always love hearing from people about their experience regarding meetings, productivity and happiness — feel free to email me at !

