Sana Sparks
Unusual Mind
Published in
1 min readJan 11, 2024


I am experiencing dementia symptoms, but am not sure yet how far they will go. My family has a high rate of dementia, but what I am experiencing - time and medical analysis will tell.

I worked with Reincarnation research for a number of years after finding out, about 21 years ago, that I had verifiable recall. Including resembling the woman whose recall I have. Not just in general terms, but specific recorded information that I did not see until a book came out about her after I recognized our connection. She was not, herself, famous. But she ended up included in a book about her husband. Who happened to look like a man I had realized I had been married to in a past life, years before I realized who I recalled being. And it just goes on from there. I will start writing about past life recall on Unusual Mind, soon.



Sana Sparks
Unusual Mind

An elder who creates magic, tells true stories, throws open the mind. understands dreams, sings wordless songs, and knows the gift of memory.