olugbenga osunkoya
Unusual & Random Musings
3 min readJul 13, 2017



photo credit: anonnews

And there I was years back thinking about the hustle and how to fulfill all the promises I made to myself. Whoever told me it was going to be easy? I am still looking for the person and probably inform him or her i am still grinding.

Democracy, a form of government we also craved for and expected would turn things around but alas, the so called politicians thought, concluded and are actually taking us for a ride ever since they returned. The malfeasance has had no rival since the 60s, a habit that prompted the fearless Major Kaduna Chukwuma Nzeogwu and his revolutionaries to sweep them out. How I wish that coup had succeeded as expected, you could see and feel the sincerity of those young soldiers at putting this country back on track. What did we do to deserve this maltreatment from these lot that are not even up to 1 percent of us that they ride rough shod over?

I remember one useless politician and minister who carelessly and boldly stated in the full glare of the public that “WE CALLED HIM TO COME AND EAT” apparently referring to a fellow minister from the opposition party who to them was trying to prove he was a saint. But you know what, they all are actually “same of the same” ; apologies to a former gubernatorial candidate who coined that phrase. They have really taken us for a ride and we are not doing anything about it, we really need to take our own destinies in our hands as we go forward in order to liberate ourselves from their grip as they are experts at stealing anything in sight. Nigerians, the time is getting nearer and these useless politicians had better start taking a second thought about improving the lot of those who voted them into power.

And the most annoying part of the whole matter is that supporters clash over these so called useless politicians and make enemies in the process, but they all have a way of resolving their differences at parties and wherever they meet themselves either during the day or nocturnally as they regularly do while they are also quick to let us know that in politics, “there are no permanent enemies but only permanent interests”. These so called interests also include placing their own children in juicy places and appointments in furtherance of their disdain for the masses. They just do not give a hoot about those who placed them into the various offices thus it is assumed that the masses merely gave them the license to loot the collective wealth of the masses

The brazen promotion of discord to ensure their selfish interest using religion and ethnicity to divide us will come to an end one day and that day is SOON.




olugbenga osunkoya
Unusual & Random Musings

I am so passionate about Nigeria. A humanist and journey to perfection disciple.