olugbenga osunkoya
Unusual & Random Musings
3 min readDec 5, 2017



Photo Credit: The ScoopNg

Listening to the news review on radio this morning, one of the headlines sounded like a comedy show that the presenter blurted “There is a problem”. What is the big deal in what our “DEAR” governors are doing in their various states? Afterall we trusted them with our votes and we believe they will deliver on their promises and deliver they have. Some haters that masquerade as critics will sit down in one run down beer parlour and just be attacking governors for no reason. If not for the immunity our dear governors enjoy, they would have distracted them with unfounded allegations that would prevent them from delivering on their campaign promises.

Our governors are indeed special breeds and no weapon fashioned against them shall prosper as all they have been doing are to alleviate the sufferings of the masses.

Our very own Osoko touches base with the masses as often as possible and you see him in the markets where he buys commodities like ponmo, shaki, inu eran, ewa agonyin etc like the “ordinary” man on the streets, or you may see him jockeying at a party; who says a governor can’t have fun? He has started the construction of a gada (fly over) and an airport to the shame of detractors, he has also promised to clothe ten thousand kids this Christmas and some people are still complaining that he is not paying salaries. If that’s not development, what else do you call that?

Just a stone throw down the state as we enter into another state, Ogbeni has brought his own style of economics to the state to show that not only the textbook writers or speakers are the only economists we have, the man jejely has turned around education for good yet detractors will always find a fault. He has refused to pay indolent workers who just come to work to while away time, people made noise about salaries being owed but they forgot that the workforce is over bloated and if he decides to cut it down to a bearable amount now, our so called critics will carry their trumpets and start blowing again. What will our governors ever do to satisfy critics? When our governor turned sixty and decided to celebrate for over seven days, critics shouted again forgetting to tell us they and the workers they claimed he owes were given special invites and access to all the venues. He can actually do as he pleases because this is his second term and critics cannot threaten him with votes because he has started paying “Modulated” salaries to the workers who will vote for the next governor.

And to Roach the peoples governor on the east side who appointed a notable Nollywood actress as special assistant on Lagos affairs just to let him know and stay abreast of the goings on in Lagos as he no wan carry last. No governor can beat him cos he has the interest of the people at heart with all the good things he has been doing in the state from owing salaries as the critics will always say. Mr. Roach actually did that to uncover ghost workers who collect salary monthly without working by asking workers to come to work for three days in a week and use the other days on the farm let’s see if a ghost will come and work on the farm. He thinks by using that simple method to chase ghost workers, he will be saving a whole lot to go around and fund the building of statues of notable Africans and yet the critics will say he is not doing enough. With all the bitterness going on, Mr. Roach has decided to be happy in the midst of the sadness and has created a ministry of happiness and couples fulfillment to spread happiness and make couples fulfilled.

Our dear governors, carry go joor nothing dey happen. Going forward, we might need to include psychiatric evaluation for those seeking elective offices as “Constituted Authorities” to at least put a limit to all these comedies we have been put through. There really is a bigger problem which is US the electorates. 2019 beckons



olugbenga osunkoya
Unusual & Random Musings

I am so passionate about Nigeria. A humanist and journey to perfection disciple.