olugbenga osunkoya
Unusual & Random Musings
3 min readOct 13, 2017



Photo Credit: Premium Times

We have often been regaled with the stories of “the cabal” in the last two administrations in this country that we are now used to them and overlook them for obvious reasons. PMB came on board and told us “I am for nobody and for everybody” and that statement was greeted with thunderous applause. With the applause yet to settle, the corrupt shifted in their seats and started to map out strategies for keeping their loot.

Two years down the line and going on three, PMB in all fairness deserves at least 30% (my personal assessment) but the truth of the matter is that there is a lot more that this administration needs to do if they are to fulfill some if not all of their sugar coated utterances and promises during the campaigns that got us all thinking we were going into an Eldorado. This so called cabal if they really and actually do exist seem to have held baba at the jugular and all he asks for is just the slightest opportunity to breathe. Countless cases of corruption has also trailed this administration that PMB superintends over while those in positions of authority who have access to the cookie jar mainly watched PMB’s body language and IGG (INITIAL GRA GRA) in the early days of the administration, concluded it was business as usual and reverted to the status quo; loot everything in sight but they now do with some fear at least.

They often say Nigeria is a very complex country to rule and that seems to be the only excuse for performing below par. The President of Tanzania also made his own IGG when he assumed office but the difference between him and PMB is that he has over time sustained his and his people know there is a new sheriff in town that wants things to be done right. It would cost PMB nothing to unleash his own “python dance” on this so called cabal and those who do not want things to be done right at the expense of their pockets. Perhaps the Jerry Rawlings solution might sort things out but too much “book” of our people won’t let that thought even cross his mind let alone do it. If PMB makes a scapegoat of one or two persons, others will definitely seat tight and fall into line.

But baba obviously still has the chance to redeem himself and write his name in gold by damning the consequences as he obviously has nothing to lose except a 2nd term. If PMB stands up to the occasion today, Nigerians who are all tired of the nonsense we have been subjected to over the years will definitely follow him and rid this dear country of the “natural disasters” we call looters once and for all. PMB should start by relieving any public official who’s got a case to answer to send a signal that things can’t be business as usual. Nigerians are sure to fall in line as soon as they start seeing we can’t continue with the looting and careless attitude towards public property and our commonwealth.

The time has come for the so called “cabal” to fizzle away and there can’t be a better time.




olugbenga osunkoya
Unusual & Random Musings

I am so passionate about Nigeria. A humanist and journey to perfection disciple.