10 Churches That Were Intentionally Set on Fire

The Modern History of Church Burning

Joe Duncan
Unusual Universe
Published in
13 min readApr 30, 2019


The world stands in amazement as the smoldering ashes of the Cathedral of Notre Dame still bellow a deep black smoke. The church has served as an iconic symbol of France for several hundred years, and beyond that, has been featured in so much media, such as film and literature, that it’s something that we feel, in our time, like we “grew up with,“ even if we don’t live in Paris or even France. A marvel of human achievement, the church’s decor was a marvel of human dedication, ingenuity, it’s massive two bell towers parched up high above Paris, a sign which Parisians and visitors alike have been always able to gaze up in wonder upon for almost 800 years.

Fortunately, firefighters and workers were able to stop the blaze before the entire structure was taken, after media reports had initially stated that crews were skeptical if they would be able to contain the blaze in time to save even a portion of the structure. But the Cathedral of Notre Dame isn’t the only church that’s ended up ablaze over the course of human history, and while investigators believe at this time that the fire was caused by renovations and was not intentional, some churches have burned for more sinister reasons, from a more sinister cause; and that cause is arson.



Joe Duncan
Unusual Universe

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: Medium.com/Sexography | The Science of Sex: http://thescienceofsex.substack.com