10 Moments in the History of Cheese

The lengthy history of one of your favorite snacks

Joe Duncan
Unusual Universe


Source: Pixabay

Cheese. It is such a wonderful, delightful, and if you think about it, a weird little snack that often serves as a potent flavor to add to our favorite foods. And because it's a bacterial process that can take place under a near-infinity of different conditions, producing vastly different results, there is no shortage of different flavors and styles of cheese.

Did you know there are up to 400 different types of French cheeses alone? Cheese is a staple in the diets of the first world, and even some rural farm communities have cheese due to the accessibility of milk through cows, goats, and other animals. While an exact number is hard to pin down, over 1,200 cheeses have been at the same place simultaneously, and estimates have been made that there are over 2,000 cheeses in the world, and maybe even way more than that.

Recent studies have uncovered that cheese is not only addictive but a drug due to a chemical called casein. This protein releases actual opiates when digested in the human body. No wonder we all love a delicious, gooey, cheese-heavy pizza so much, it delivers a strong dose of a literal opiate to the brain.

But do you ever wonder how cheese came about? Who was the first person to actually try cheese and how did…



Joe Duncan
Unusual Universe

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: Medium.com/Sexography | The Science of Sex: http://thescienceofsex.substack.com