Minimalism is a religion

minute voice
The Unveiling Box
Published in
6 min readAug 21, 2020


Think like a minimalist.

I've learnt that minimalism is not what you own, it's about why you own it ~ Brian Gardner

The world is changing. Look, just after your birth, the more the days going the more the lifespan is shrinking. Likewise the more the world is getting older the process of your lifestyle is wizening. Once the world was getting smaller and smaller in the hands of the satellite and this world was trapped in the cables inside an idiot box which is Placed in the drawing-room known as TV. Now? It's not even trapped in cables now. It's more like wireless love in the air. Perhaps the internet so far?

Why I'm saying this? because minimalism is more like shrinking yourself but obviously in a quality mode.

What is minimalism?

On its surface, minimalism might seem to be about owning as few possessions as possible, but a minimalist lifestyle is about far more than that when you start to consider it. MINIMALISM is something that the deliberate elevation of the things we most value by discarding anything that diverts us from it. It is all about intentionality. This world has people and companies who give about five thousand advertisements every single day. Does this really work? Yes, it does. These ads attract people, they call for our attention, affection, and whatnot. And the result is you become…



minute voice
The Unveiling Box

| Pocket sized story teller with a little bit of rationality |