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Express through letters.
Heart of he Abyss.
Heart of he Abyss.
Photo by Luca on Unsplash
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Jul 29, 2021
Willow´s Creek, a small town with a few hundred inhabitants, peacefully surrounded by mountains with white snowy summits and a cold river…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Jan 16, 2021
Holding up the past.
Holding up the past.
Holding up the past, stolen memories we cannot keep from fading in us, all of my heart is taken in dreams of a time and a place where no…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Jan 15, 2021
6 Complex and Beautiful Films to Watch(if you like Sci-fi(ish) and Weird(ish) Symbolism)
6 Complex and Beautiful Films to Watch(if you like Sci-fi(ish) and ...
Films can be the most immersive of the arts — these particular ones had me thinking for weeks.
Nov 23, 2020
Cellphone ringing, at such a late hour at night, past eleven, John picks up the phone, reads Mike on caller id, what the hell does this…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Sep 7, 2020
A Change in Climate and The Consequences
A Change in Climate and The Consequences
Climate change is not a rapid process but a process which gradually changes everything that we see and that we observe. Climate change…
The Other Side
Aug 30, 2020
A touch of darkness
A touch of darkness
It was night time, not too late… I remember, driving home from dinner at a restaurant, my parents in the front seats, father was driving……
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 24, 2020
A dream in a tear.
A dream in a tear.
Holding the key to my dreams, you breakthrough my deepest wishes to forget your smile. Still miss what holds me close to you, even after…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 23, 2020
Broken hearts.
Broken hearts.
Is this a war between two hearts .. a twisted love that cannot be..an unbearable silence we share as no one else does .. but yet it´s so…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 22, 2020
Since the moment…
Since the moment…
Since the moment we were born, to that last sad farewell breath on our time to cease existence, memories emerge, conquests .. defeats that…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 22, 2020
The letter.
The letter.
1. Items checked, backpack ready to go, with a turn of a key, I closed my front door, got in my car, and said farewell to the city as I…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 22, 2020
The choice.
The choice.
The constant paradox of life´s choices, right or wrong, good and evil, embedded in the strangest and most fulfilling outcome of a journey…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 22, 2020
Minimalism is a religion
Minimalism is a religion
Think like a minimalist.
minute voice
Aug 21, 2020
A timeless sense of death.
A timeless sense of death.
From a young age, I was taught of a world of darkness, spewing evil in every corner, hearts blackened in bad deeds. Hope is a dream when a…
Rui Miguel Barrocas
Aug 21, 2020
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