I Knew…

How couldn’t I have known?

Chris Patton
Unwritten Journal
Nov 9, 2021


Photo Credit: Ms. Laurie Van Ark, B/A Florist, East Lansing, Michigan

You knew the moment we met

I, I was not so sure

“Oh, there you are! I’ve been searching for you for so long,” were your first words to me

My heartbeat fluttered

Our souls had already entangled themselves

Dancing widely to the song of love

Overwhelmed by the familiarity of you

A feeling unlike anything I’ve ever experienced

Then I knew

This was not just ‘love at first sight’

“Yes. Here I am,” I answered you.

Chris Patton is a writer focusing on helping readers feel the experience of PTSD flashbacks and other symptoms, rather than just reading about them.



Chris Patton
Unwritten Journal

I write authentically about my journey with PTSD so that others may benefit from my experience. I also write about love and longing.