A few moments in the life of an artist and acrobat

Nuzha Mohamed
UOL Creative Writing
2 min readOct 28, 2017

The artist is hard at work paying attention to her masterpiece of the day inspired by Halloween crafts. Crayons and pencils clatter all around her as she hunts for that perfect hue to finish off her picture. With fingers that are stained with the colours of her imagination, she carefully picks up her picture to present for critical reviews.

Her path to the judge is blocked by a jovial acrobat, singing his rendition of Wheels-on-the-bus whilst practicing his newly discovered skills with a bright pink hula-hoop.

Swish goes the hula-hoop, gracefully around his dancing body but dangerously close to the passing artist’s carefully clutched masterpiece.

A loud yelp is immediately followed by high pitch screeches of indignations and the acrobat pauses, thoroughly bewildered by such a reaction. His soft curls fall over his eyes, still dancing away to the merry song of a moment ago and his big eyes fill with tears at oh-such-a wrongful accusation. The artist brushes away angry tears as she admonitions against playing smack in the middle of the room. Her tears fall faster and the colours from her fingers now stain her smooth cheeks.
She is alarmingly close to a full blown tantrum, her curly hair swinging around her frame as her little body quivers with indignation.

All at once, they turn towards the judge and race towards her, vying for primary attention. The writing must stop for the judge and writer are but the same; playroom court has now begun for the day and cases need to be discussed over milk and cookies.



Nuzha Mohamed
UOL Creative Writing

A freelance writer and student of language who believes in writing a better world for her children.