Dennis presenting at the University of Nottingham

James Dennis
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2019

On 11 April 2019, UoP journalism lecturer James Dennis will present at the University of Nottingham as part of the Digital Culture Research Network seminar series. James will be presenting a summary of his book, Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (Palgrave Macmillan).

The Digital Culture Research Network, based at the University of Nottingham, welcomes those interested in interrogating the significance of the digital, inquiring into how and if it mediates daily experience, power relations or symbolic, embodied and collective meaning making.

For information on future events, subscribe to the DCRN Facebook page: or on Twitter at @Uon_DCRN.

Thanks to Niki Cheong and the Digital Culture Research Network for the invitation.



James Dennis

Senior Lecturer @UoP_Journalism | Research/teach pol com & digital journalism | Author of Beyond Slacktivism (Palgrave) | Co-convenor @psampg | #dcfc #pacers