Iran’s reformists have sided with the hardliners — and doomed their cause: Omid Shams in The Conversation

Susana Sampaio-Dias
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2018

The first days of 2018 saw nationwide protests hit the streets of Iran. These protests have been described as the largest public display of discontent since the 2009 Green Movement and several sources reported the death of at least 21 people and the arresting of thousands of protesters.

Omid Shams, Teaching Assistant in Journalism and PhD candidate at the University of Portsmouth wrote an opinion piece for The Conversation, explaining the political complexity of the context that is lived these days in Iran. Omid’s piece can be read here.

Omid Shams



Susana Sampaio-Dias

Senior Lecturer in Journalism. Author of Reporting Human Rights (Peter Lang, 2016).