The Art of Curating : Playlists

Modern meets Classic

Barry Barz
Up Close And R&B
3 min readDec 17, 2015


Photo by Luke Chesser

Earlier this year, I had a conversation with my girlfriend on how streaming isn’t all it’s shaped up to be. Sure you have millions of songs at your fingertips at any given time, but ONLY if yo have the battery to do so. After deciding to go with yet another 16 GB iPhone in hopes of embracing the Cloud, it hit me. I may have set myself up for disaster.

Frequently on the go, my music is my lifeline. Nothing gets me through two hour commutes or gym trips like the sounds of a carefully curated playlist for the current moment. I have used all of the streaming apps, enjoying everything such a platform brings to the table. Although they all offer great features, they also all fall short of one thing: battery life. There’s nothing like getting through a 9 hour day, meeting some friends for happy hour, and heading home with just enough battery life to either unwind to some tunes OR in catch up on the group chat.

Eventually you get tired of choosing between battery life or convenience and you simply just want the best of both worlds.

On my birthday, I received a iPod Classic from who other than my girlfriend. I had so many questions but was too trapped in nostalgia to ask them all. Where did you find this? How much was it? The touch wheel worked flawlessly. The condition was phenomenal. I couldn’t wait to fill up all 120 GB with pure music. No apps. No Pictures.

I’ve now had my iPod Classic, appropriately named Silver Surfer, a little over 8 months. I’m 6 GB in with growing playlists for every situation, each with their own vibe, most of course R&B. I’ve began to notice how we’ve become so used to playlists put together by algorithms and sometimes politics that we have forgotten how to create our own.

I’ve decided to share my collection of songs straight from my very own iPod in hopes of inspiring others. Streaming is great, but I’ve certainly missed the connection you build from years of albums without having to sacrifice battery life. I’m up and running for 2.5 days on a full charge depending on usage. As you get to know me, you’ll find out I’m a R&B fan to the core. Most of the songs I’ve picked up through streaming apps so I haven’t completely gone offline. I would love to see the iPod Classic get an update, I can actually see one happening. But for now, I’m fine with things just the way they are.

For the playlist in it’s entirety, click here:

