Go to Up Engineering
Up Engineering
Incredible products have incredible stories. Every meticulously architected feature is a culmination of sweat, blood, tears, discovery and love. We’re the Up Your Game team. Come join us on our journey.
Note from the editor

Incredible products have incredible stories. Every meticulously architected feature is a culmination of sweat, blood, tears, discovery and love. We’re the Up Your Game team. Come join us on our journey.

Go to the profile of Tejas Kamath
Tejas Kamath
Co-founder @ Up | AI Enthusiast. Avid Equity Investor
Go to the profile of Sofia Chand
Go to the profile of Team UP
Go to the profile of Rashni Parichha
Rashni Parichha
Designing Web3.0 products and other cool stuff
Go to the profile of Veer Khot
Veer Khot
Data scientist.
Go to the profile of Sudheesh Shetty
Sudheesh Shetty
Programmer, Full Stack developer, cricket and gym lover, Open source enthusiast, Love technology. http://sudheeshshetty.in/
Go to the profile of sushmitha dev
sushmitha dev
Frontend Engineer