Snapping out of analysis paralysis

tommy pearce
Up to Data
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2024

Originally published August 2023

We’ve all been there — you set out to google some best practices or analyze your program data, and you almost immediately get stuck.

It’s usually one of two things: I have no idea where to begin, or there is way too much information to make sense of.

Analysis paralysis is real, and a theory of change can help!

I won’t explain how to create a full theory of change (find more here and here), but in the paraphrased words of my late colleague, Chris Allers, it’s the conditions that need to be true in order to achieve your impact.

Working backwards from your intended impact, consider what outcomes or conditions must be true for you to be successful. Then, what activities will your agency do to make those outcomes a reality? And where are we starting from?

This process will help you think through the logic of what you’re trying to accomplish and how you will get there. And the best part is that it tells you exactly what to measure!

So, whether you’re designing a program or evaluating your success, a theory of change will help you focus and move forward when you’re stuck.

