Statement on Nationwide Uprisings

Team UUWL!
Up, Up with Liberation
1 min readJun 1, 2020
Three raised red fists. Text says Up, Up with Liberation!

In light of the recent state-sanctioned murders of #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor #TonyMcDade and #AhmaudArbery — and the sustained violence and brutality against Black people in the United States over the past centuries — Up, Up with Liberation! will not be publishing any new content this week. Instead, we will be dedicating this space to commentary and analysis on struggles for justice and liberation for Black people who consistently face state terror manifested through police brutality, systemic racism, and violent neglect during an ongoing pandemic.

In our opening statement we rejected a status quo, “where white supremacy parades around unchecked and unaccountable.” As part of our commitment to accountability, we will take time to reflect on how this space can best resist anti-Blackness and support the work being done to abolish institutions of state violence.

Thank you for supporting this nascent platform: We are sending love, strength, and safety to everyone engaged in the struggle for liberation and justice this week and every week.

In solidarity,




Team UUWL!
Up, Up with Liberation

Up, Up with Liberation is a digital collective dedicated to liberation through creative expression. Project of @SanctuaryDMV.