UP42 has launched | New open satellite data and analytics platform

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4 min readSep 17, 2019

Today, we’re proud to announce the launch of UP42, the new open platform and marketplace for satellite data and analytics.

The primary goal of UP42 is to make it easy to access and use Earth data.

So far, the vast amount of information collected from space is not available to everyone. Usually, it takes significant time and money to access and analyze Earth data, or geospatial data. We built UP42 to solve these problems.

We’ve put usability and accessibility first. Enabling and empowering you to explore the planet for yourselves.

We make it easy for businesses of all sizes to access and analyze Earth data and imagery from multiples sources.

We make it easy for businesses of all sizes to access and analyze Earth data and imagery from multiple sources. Regardless of industry, technical expertise, or company size — we are lowering the barrier and bringing satellite imagery within reach to those that previously couldn’t access it. Because understanding our world shouldn’t be restricted to only those that know how.

There’s no need to develop, train, and run algorithms to extract insights from data. Or to build the machinery to do this at scale. Our cloud infrastructure responds to your needs. You choose the data, analytics, area, and time period — we do the heavy lifting for you.

UP42 accesses data via API and our infrastructure scales up and down in real-time. Our public API means that you can build impactful products sooner and have the option of uploading custom code easily. On UP42, pricing is transparent and credit-based, so you only pay for what you use. Our on-demand platform means you don’t have to worry about the cost of paying for or storing large amounts of data upfront either.

Data and analytics

As a two-sided marketplace, our partners supply both commercial and open-source, recent and historical high-resolution satellite imagery and ready-to-use algorithms.

Whether you’re looking for detailed, high-resolution imagery from OneAtlas’ Pléiades, fresh insights through daily revisits from NASA’s MODIS, or radar data collected by Sentinel-1 —we’ve sourced multiple types of data so you don’t have to.

Take a closer look at the world and instantly apply analytics. Our partners bring a selection of powerful processing algorithms for you to combine with data in order to find the answers you need. Spot ships, detect deforestation, find wind turbines and monitor crops.

Some of the analytics tools already on UP42 include:

  • Vegetation monitoring: view farmland from space and detect moisture or chlorophyll to identify regions that require additional care in order to maximize yields. Useful for precision agriculture and crop monitoring.
  • Object detection: detect vehicles (cars and ships) or structures (wind turbines or storage tanks) in satellite imagery. Useful for urban planning, tracking traffic patterns, and energy production forecasts.
  • Change detection: step back in time and detect change with as little as two images. Gain powerful insights in regions with data scarcity. Useful for studying tropical areas with heavy cloud coverage and monitoring deforestation in combination with vegetation tools.
  • Pre-processing tools: tools that help prepare satellite imagery for data analysis. Useful for ensuring images line up properly for pixel-based analytics or to remove cloud cover.
Hong Kong from space. (Credit: OneAtlas’ Pléiades satellite data available on UP42).

Our CEO, Eli Tamanaha shares,

“With the launch of our new platform, we are looking to open up access not only to satellite imagery and data, but also to a range of analysis tools to help understand it. By using UP42, customers will be able to easily discover actionable insights to make data-driven decisions and geospatial products.”

At UP42, we believe in the power of technology to solve world problems. Our vision is to offer all kinds of geospatial data. Weather data, drones, IoT data, and more — creating a richer picture of the planet.

After learning a lot during our beta, we’re looking forward to enabling you to make data-driven decisions and build the innovative and impactful solutions of tomorrow.

Based in Berlin, UP42 a subsidiary of Airbus and is commercially available from September 2019. Want to know more? Visit our website to get started on UP42 and discover actionable insights today.



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UP42 is the next-gen Earth observation platform. We're no longer updating Medium–keep reading at www.up42.com/blog.