tattva darSanam — metaphysical vision

when seeing rises above the scenery

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
3 min readDec 31, 2013


In last post ( https://medium.com/upadesa-saram/525dcee4051a ), the first part of 15 verses of upadesa saram concluded with a description of a celebrated saint. We have covered the key aspects of action, devotion and meditation based paths to achieve perfection in that part.

Now, pure jnana yoga — a direct path to realize truth by listening from a realized sage and contemplating on the teaching is being described.

Generally, the consciousness is identified with the awareness of an object. We all see things with the help of light reflected on them being captured by the eye. When there is no object we do not see anything. We call that space empty and identify it with the nothingness. For seeing we always need an object that is seen. This objective awareness is called dRSyam or the scenery.

The sense organs run behind their own objects. Eye catches light, ear catches sound, skin catches touch and feel, tongue catches taste and nose smell. All these sense organs directed by the mind are capable of catching their respective objects of the scenery. Each of these organs have their limitations; for example we can only see VIBGYOR spectrum of light which is called the visible light. With the limitations the observed image is then synthesized by the mind continuously recording as an experience.

The dRSyam is both internal and external. Before the scenery is painted outside, it exists subtly inside of the artist. Through the actions the internal scenery is painted outside and through the perception the external scenery is painted inside of memory.

During the waking state, the external dRSyam is painted internally and transactions happen with the external dRSyam. During dream, the painting and the viewing happen internally. Still, the impressions of the dream picture are recorded in the memory of the dreamer and the experience of difference is observed. In deep-sleep, there is no picture and there is no seeing. But, the objective awareness of emptiness (SUnya) is painted / recorded in the memory of the sleeper and is experienced.

So, in all three well known states of consciousness there is dRSyam i.e., objective awareness. The perception of this dRSyam is limited by the instruments used for that perception. The impressions are painted on the background canvas called chittam actively and continuously limiting the further perception of reality to that frame of reference.

Thus Lord Siva says in dArukA vana: (In the golden words of bhagavan RamaNa maharshi, Verse 16 of upadesa saram in Telugu)

cittamu dRSyamul cEraka tanadi cittvameRuguTayE tattvameRuguTa

Same verse in Sanksrit:

dRSya vAritam cittamAtmanaH cittva darSanaM tattva darSanam

When the mind gives up all its recorded images of experiences and disengages from them; sees its own pure reality by turning inward to its own basis of SELF alone is metaphysical vision of highest reality.

Experiencing, experienced and the experiencer merges into wholeness of bliss in such a tattva darSanam of highest everlasting reality which goes beyond all descriptions of words and thoughts.

Just by listening to the realized sages and contemplating on those teachings can remove the hard impressions on the memory and makes it see its source clearly!

Next Post: https://medium.com/upadesa-saram/the-straight-path-6b9931042b7b

