Outdoor Hanging Chimes — Add Zing to Your Patio, Garden, Deck

carmen holmes
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2020

Jump start your day with some buoyant notes from this handcrafted Wailua wind chime. Listen for the sounds that ring like laughter inside your house on a breezy day. Some days you may hear their encore without a number. Enjoy this chance-based music which taps into the inexhaustible repository of sounds from the wind to strike a unique note every time its clapper beats the rods. Experience its pulsating fervor playing on G major Pentatonic scale, an accompaniment to spontaneous humming. This consistent, measured percussion that never fails to enthrall its listener, has its origins in an engineering feat which was achieved centuries ago.

Crafted with every rhyme and reason, this Wailua outdoor wind chime (Wailua means two waters in Hawaii) is composed of eco-friendly bamboo, wood and aluminum. This 29” long ensemble comprises six rods of varying lengths (10–14”) in vibrant copper red tones. Its wooden clapper and wind catcher (the latter comes in two sizes in the box), are suspended from the center of the O-ring and can be adjusted to ring deep and soft tones. To make life more carefree, this assemblage comes with an S hook, too.

Introduce this active element to your outdoor patio and infuse some energy into your surroundings. Soak in the kaleidoscopic ambience and start living the small moments of daily life without planning. Another way to experience the joy of this outdoor wind chime is to gift one. A popular choice for keepsakes, this memorial wind chime is a good way to send across your wishes from great distances to be heard out aloud. Synonymous with thoughtfulness, this outdoor wind chime helps relax the mind with its soothing sounds. This classic piece is one of those items used in home décor that never go out of fashion.

To get the most out of your outdoor wind chime choose an unobstructed space which is not close to a wall, plant or furniture and receives good breeze on an average day. You may change its place every season to adjust for the change in direction of the wind. You may even consult it for weather alerts. Endeavor to optimize the music harnessed from the wind and enrich your quality of life. See the world with a fresh new pair of eyes every morning as a wind chime melody washes away the humdrum of life.

