NEW trading bots arrive on UpBots!

Daniel UpBots
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2021


Set up the party supplies and get ready to give our new line of trading bots a nice warm welcome in this today’s weekly wrap up!

UpBots has welcomed three brand new trading bots onto the platform. We’ll give you an inside look at who they are and what cryptos they trade.

There is also a new content series we’ve rolled out called, “Meet your algo developer”. In this series, you’ll meet the developers behind your favorite trading bots in exclusive interviews.

Another loyal UpBots user has shared their story behind what made them start trading crypto with bots. Check out who this user is and learn more about their story.

Members of the UpBots DAO have also been busy voting on some proposals. So far we’ve had UIP2 pass and voting open for UIP3. Check out more on what these proposals are and what stage of the process they’re in.

We’ve got the details on all that, plus more platform updates. So let’s dive on in!

New trading bots release

Get a look at these fresh new bot faces on UpBots! Pure Gold Crypto Signals has hosted three trading bots for users to trade with. These bots are able to trade BTC, ETH, and BAT crypto pairs.

Gold Rush (BAT/USDT)
Swing Sniper (ETH/USDT)
Swing Sniper (BTC/USDT)

We’re looking forward to seeing the profits these bots pull in. If you’re just dying to trade with them then jump into UpBots to check them out.

Meet your algo developer

Want to learn more about the devs who’ve designed those handy trading bots you’re using? Our new interview series, “Meet your algo developer”, introduces you to the developers behind the bots.

This series follows a similar interview structure to our “My UpBots Journey” series, where interviewees answer some hot questions that our community would love to hear. Having these interviews will not only allow you to get to know the developers but also how they came up with the trading strategies they host today.

Check out our interview with the creator of the high-performing Spooner and Sonny bots, I-Robot, right here.

My UpBots Journey: CN

CN is an active member of the UpBots community and actively uses trading bots on UpBots. He shares his story of the positive impact trading bots have had on his life in this edition of, “My UpBots Journey.”

As many are aware, crypto trading is quite difficult and time consuming to do. In CN’s interview, he’ll discuss the many benefits trading bots bring to new crypto traders.

Read it now on Medium.

UpBots DAO news

UBXT holders and participants in the UpBots DAO have made their voices heard and a decision has been made for the proposal, UIP2. For this proposal, it was suggested to change all international UpBots Telegram groups while keeping our main English group as the only official channel.

The vote passed and now all international UpBots Telegram groups will become unofficial. What does this mean exactly? Well, the groups will still be open to join and use, but we’ll no longer provide multilingual support or translations of announcements.

Another proposal, UIP3, has moved past the discussion phase and onto first-round voting on the UpBots Snapshot. UIP3 deals with the rebalancing of UBXT staking pool rewards so it’s an important matter. We highly encourage all UBXT holders to vote and participate.

Platform updates

Withdrawals on BSC now live

Great news for all you BSC lovers out there! UBXT withdrawals can now be made using the BSC.

For those who hold BSC-based UBXT, you can now submit withdrawal requests to receive your UBXT over this blockchain. BSC transactions typically have faster processing times and cheaper gas fees which makes it popular amongst many users.

Portfolio evolution update made

A slight fix has been made to portfolio evolution that users should see live on their accounts. This fix was to adjust the way data is displayed in the dashboards. Users can continue going about connecting their portfolios to view their data insights.

More algo bots are coming

We’ve got even more algo bots to welcome onto the platform! Soon you can trade with new ETH, BTC, and SOL trading bots. Yep, that is correct! We’re getting our first SOL trading bot.

Be sure to keep close attention as to when these upcoming bots will be released.

UpBots vaults in progress

The team is working to implement the UpBots vaults into the platform and development has been progressing. Once these vaults are implemented, users can stake stable coins to receive UBXT passive income.

Having the vaults added to UpBots will provide users with another way to earn passive revenue and also contribute further to our token burn. More details on the progress of the vaults are to come.

Algo dev portal nearing release

Our algo dev portal view is coming close to its release. This portal is only accessible by algo devs and provides them with insights into each of their trading bots.

Developers can view how much UBXT a bot has earned, the number of followers on a bot, and other important statistics. This feature should be released soon so be sure to stay tuned.

OKEx exchange support on the way

We’re excited to bring platform support for yet another great crypto exchange. Support for OKEx is on its way to UpBots. Any users who use OKEx will soon be able to connect their exchange wallet’s API to the UpBots platform.

They’ll then have access to all our trading tools and bots for their OKEx exchange account. We’ll have more details as this feature’s development progresses.

And now a meme from our community…

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