Trading limits on bots increased

Daniel UpBots
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2021


Today we’d like to make a BIG announcement, the trading limits which were originally placed on all bots in the demo have now been upgraded!

Since all the tests we’ve put the bots through resulted in positive results, we decided to increase their trading limit. Now users can trade with the bots with fewer restraints.

So now with lesser restrictions, just how much capital can the bots trade? At first, the bots could only trade up to 2.5k USDT on an exchange, but now they’ll have the ability to trade up to 50k!

Yep, you heard that right, up to 50k USDT can be allocated for each bot to trade. With this major increase in the amount of tradable capital comes other benefits for our community and UBXT tokenomics.

That’s great! But what are the benefits for UBXT?

The first big benefit is obviously that now all UpBots users can trade with a much higher capital limit, making it possible to reap higher returns with the bots. As for the UBXT tokenomics, well as users trade with higher capital amounts this means more UBXT is needed for the bots.

Wait…more UBXT is needed? Why is that a benefit? If you recall just how our performance fees create “win:wins” for all on UpBots, these higher fees will require more UBXT tokens to be deposited to be paid off. The UBXT taken to pay off these fees are then redistributed for things such as our token burn and platform staking reward pools.

Essentially this means more tokens will be burned causing our token burn to work faster while allowing UBXT stakers to continue earning sweet passive rewards. Overall, all these actions can have a positive effect on the token price of UBXT too.

So there’s your rundown of what you should know now that the bots can trade with fewer restrictions.

You can log into UpBots right now and start trading with our available bots to your heart’s content. Here are some of our top trading bots that are waiting for your trades.

