Trading Showdown: Bots vs Humans

Daniel UpBots
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2021


Hi there everyone and welcome back to another edition of the UpBots weekly wrap up. Grab a seat and kick up your feet because we’re prepared to provide you with a big juicy update.

First in our lineup is a showdown of epic proportions, human traders vs bots. It’s time to settle the score once and for all on which is the better trader. To come to the ultimate decision we’ve created an infographic that lays out all the facts.

The team has received various feedback from our community in relation to the launch of our commercial beta version (phase 3). Neil has written an article to provide insight into the current direction of UpBots and answers to some common questions.

A new DAO proposal has also been published and another proposal posted last month is moving onto the next stage.

We’ve also taken the initiative to introduce you to some bots that are live and ready to trade. You can check out details about them in our bot stats posts on our social media channels.

There is all this update goodness plus some platform updates. So let’s dive in!

Humans vs bots infographic

Which type of trader will reign supreme? Various factors come into play when deciding if bots are truly effective at trading or if humans are better off doing the trading themselves.

To see how each stack up we look at factors such as timing, data processing, emotions, and more to see who is the best.

So who is going to be the winner? Check out our infographic to find out!

Product & Phase 3 Update

Phase 3 saw the launch of our beta commercial version and since then there has been various feedback and questions from our users.

Neil has composed an article that will clear up any potential misunderstandings and detail the actions our team is taking to squash bugs and improve the platform. You can read the article right here.

DAO news

A new proposal was recently published in our DAO which is currently in the middle of a 1st round vote. This is what is being proposed:

“Increase staking rewards for BSC pool in 5% — 10% extra APR until performance fees are developed”

If you’d like to vote in this initial stage then head to #proposal-suggestions in our Discord and react with a 💓if you’d like to see it progress forward.

Additionally, another proposal was posted back last month to make the non-English UpBots Telegram channels unofficial and only the main English chat official will be moving onto the 2nd voting stage. Stay tuned for when the 2nd round goes live for this and make sure to be holding UBXT if you wish to vote.

New bot stats posts

A new round of bot stat posts has been made across our social media channels. You can check out the stats on the following trading bots:

Bot name — monthly performance

AVAX Bot — +55% (6 months)

Sonny BTC — +29% (6 months)

Optimus BTC — +35% (6 months)

Optimus ETH — +94% (3 months)

Sonny ETH — +56% (6 months)

Get to know the bots and then come give them a try.

Platform updates

Withdrawal fix made and deposits being worked on

The team has managed to make a fix to UBXT withdrawals. As for the deposits, there has been a slight delay and the team is currently working to get them live. You can expect to see deposits go live soon.

UBXT performance fee rewards now live

The performance fees reward pool is now live and working. Please note that only ERC-20 UBXT stakers are able to earn rewards from this pool.

If you are staking ERC-20 UBXT then you’ll earn rewards from both our performance fees profit pools and staking rewards fund. Those staking BEP-20 UBXT can only earn from the staking rewards.

Algo dev portal being tested

Algo developers hosting their algos on UpBots will soon be able to view various important stats through their own portal. The team is currently testing the portal that algo devs can access to view data which includes the number of followers and UBXT gained by their bots.

We’ll have more details as this feature finishes up the testing phase.

New front-end design on the way

Sleek new dashboards and designs are making their way to your UpBots account. These new designs were created by a former UX/UI lead from Paypal so they’re going to be awesome.

The improvements we’ve made to the designs were based upon user feedback, so we can ensure a better user experience for all.

Create-a-Bot feature in development

Ever dreamed of creating your very own trading bot? UpBots is aiming to make your dream come true with our upcoming “Create-a-Bot” feature.

This no-code-required feature will allow you to implement your own automated trading strategy all within a point and click interface. More details on Create-a-bot are to come as development progresses.

That’s all for this week! Catch ya for the next one!

And now a meme from our community…

Have a question regarding the UpBots platform or our algo bots? Come join our Discord server!

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