UniFarm AMA & NFT Leaderboard

Daniel UpBots
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2021


Time to slide into another weekly wrap up! Brought to you buy the one-and-only, UpBots!

This week we welcomed another great project to our community for an AMA. UniFarm, a crypto yield farming platform, came by to talk all about the benefits their platform has to offer.

As our NFT riddle competition progresses onward, you now can check where you are in the standings. Our leaderboard is available on the UpBots website.

The clock is ticking down on our UBXT staking program on FTX, do you know where to stake your tokens next? *cough* UpBots *cough*

There’s all that and more delectable platform updates for you to enjoy. Now let’s dive in!

UniFarm AMA

Are you someone who enjoys chasing the highest yields by crypto farming? Then you’ll definitely want to learn more about UniFarm and their innovative platform!

Rohit from their team stopped by the UpBots Telegram to chat about how UniFarm works and all the passive rewards you can earn when you stake just one type of coin.

Read the full recap of the event here and be sure to catch the next UpBots AMA! You may even win some awesome prizes.

NFT leaderboard now published

Keep on answering those riddles! The NFT riddle challenge keeps moving forward with the difficulty levels of the riddles starting to vary. We’ve had many participants jump in to take a shot at winning the grand prize, The CHARTER NFT card.

Now we’ve published the leaderboard so all participants can see where they currently are in the rankings. You can view it here and see if you’re close to the prize.

Reminder: FTX staking ending Aug 2nd

A friendly reminder that our UBXT staking program on FTX will be ending on Aug 2nd. Once the program ends, all locked and staked UBXT will become free to transfer.

If you’re looking for a new place to stake your UBXT to keep earning some sweet gains, then you’re welcome to make the jump over to UpBots. Currently, we’re offering a nice 40% APR (variable) for single-sided UBXT staking.

There are also many opportunities to provide liquidity using UBXT on PancakeSwap and UniSwap as well as farming LP tokens on Beefy.finance to maximize your earnings.

You can get started staking on UpBots right now through your account dashboard.

Platform Updates

Performance fee improvements

The team is hard at work continuing to make improvements to the existing performance fees which Battalion members are testing in the closed beta. Several tweaks have been made to UBXT depositing to make the process smoother.

UBXT withdrawals are making progress and should soon be finishing their implementation. Additionally, the distribution of UBXT from performance fees to staking pools is making progress. Staking pool distribution allows for a percentage of performance fees to be taken and distributed to our on-platform staking pools to reward those staking UBXT.

We’ll have more news on the performance fees as we continue testing and fine-tuning the system.

New app frontend designs making progress

The new UpBots interface designs continue to make progress in development. They’re planned to be a part of our new v2 structure and have been developed by a former UI/UX lead from Paypal.

These designs were engineered to make our interface more user-friendly than ever before. More details will come as the development continues.

My Bots stats portal

Right now the API is finished and the front-end design is being worked on for this portal. My Bots stats is a portal for algo developers to view performance and historical data on each of their hosted bots.

Total users, transactional history, date activated, and gained UBXT are some of the statistics algo devs can view in this dashboard. My Bots stats is nearing completion and should be going live soon.

That’s a wrap for this week! We’ll catch ya next time.

And now a meme from our community…

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