A brighter day on the Trail

Pete Randall
Trail Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2016

Hospitality admin can be pretty repetitive, the same tasks day after day…

  • Wash the floors
  • Clean the ovens
  • Cash the tills
  • Log the food temperatures
  • The list goes on…

Every day Trail teams are checking off the same tasks, over and over again.

They have to — in some cases it’s the law but more importantly, it helps large organisations maintain the standards that we as customers are used to.

They used to do it in paper log books (now that was dull 😒)

Trail replaces that paper log book, with an app on shiny tablets and phones, devices that have the ability to give something back! 😮

We’ve said it time and time again:

We’re on a mission to build better tools for simpler admin and happier work days!

…but we’re not going to do that if we only replace like for like.

Enterprise software doesn’t have to mean grey, dry and character-less. Trail offers something different, drawing on consumer expectations.

Adding empathy

The hospitality world is full of bright passionate characters, we’re looking to motivate by treating them as real people, rather than faceless, joyless ‘resources’.

Consumer apps like Facebook and WhatsApp use Emojis and stickers to introduce empathy…

Facebook’s new “Reactions”

…and even some of the “cooler” enterprise apps like Slack and Intercom do too!

We’ve started to explore how we can use these triggers within Trail to reward doing a good job and frankly make doing these tasks over and over a little less 💩.

Canned responses

Teams can reach “Inbox zero” multiple times through the day, when they check off their tasks.

🙌 You’re done for now, go and see about those customers

Use of animation

Moments of joy, even when you’re waiting for things to load…

Quick example of a loading GIF

Showing progress

Giving a sense of achievement and encouragement when completing tasks

Pssst! You are top of the class this week at ACME Co. Here’s a gold star ⭐ Keep checking those tasks off on time to stay at the top!

The little touches…

Important calendar events can be both enjoyable and functional by alerting them to upcoming events, either for the team or the organisation.

Hey everyone, wish Sam a happy birthday! 🎉 🎁

It’s not all fun

Sometimes we have to remind, prompt and pull up teams who aren’t completing tasks on time. But we can still break the ice, whilst giving them the support they need.

🚨 It looks like the team has missed quite a few tasks this week. Are things ok? Here are some help videos, or get in touch with our support team if you‘ve got any problems.

I’ve used emojis here to illustrate our examples, but in the future we might introduce our own stickers, branded elements or other ways of interacting with the product that makes it fun and engaging.

Our Product Director Wil has touched on this before, but it’s great that we’re finally starting to execute on these ideas and change the industry for the better!

