Effortless task management

New tools to get your tasks working harder!

Pete Randall
Trail Blog
3 min readDec 13, 2016


In case you hadn’t guessed already, we really love tasks — well, more specifically completing them! It’s at the very heart of Trail. 🎉

Teams follow a Trail of tasks each day. But if tasks aren’t shown at the right time, don’t have the right content or not shown to the right person then, well, they’re no better than paper checklists.

That’s why we’ve made the way you create and manage tasks better.

Our objectives

  1. Task management wherever you are - on phone, tablet or laptop
  2. Better understanding of everything a task can do
  3. Pave the way for future features (sneak peek coming up)

So what’s changed?

We’ve rebuilt the New Task page from the ground up, focusing on what’s important and prioritising the most commonly used features.

Single Page

All your task settings are now on one page, work your way from top to bottom adding sections as you need.

Add to Trails

Easily select which teams, departments or sites can view and complete the task. Select all or individual Trails as needed.

Adding more task content

Whether checklists, help text, attachments or widgets, you can now build your task in one place. File uploading in particular is a whole lot faster.


Task scheduling is now much clearer in a single view.

All the same scheduling options are available, but we now show you when the next instances of a task will appear on the Trail.

What’s next?

  • Break a single task into multiple versions for different trails. For example, a task called “Opening checks” with a main checklist for all sites — and then a few extra items just for sites with kitchens.
  • We’re exploring more scheduling options, including “anytime” tasks which can be completed at any point throughout a day, week or month.
  • Allocate a task to a department (Kitchen) or role (Chef) using “Tags”. That way team members can filter the Trail for just their own tasks.
  • Finally, we want to introduce an improved task preview, so you can see exactly what your task will look like, for each Trail, before publishing it.

As always, get in touch on support if you need a hand or want to know more. Or if you’ve got feedback or any great ideas on how we can make Trail work better for you, please let us know 👋

